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I take my old car since it wasn't as flashy as the one I usually drive now. My old car was my drug car honestly.
I begin my twenty-one minute drive to the south side of Chicago where Ricci's house was. That place isn't much of a pretty sight but hey, if he's happy then I'm happy. It's currently three fifty-two which means I have a lot of time till the business event. I'll smoke some weed when I get back to get a bit buzzed since people will be asking me about Caleb. Why didn't I break up with him sooner? I sigh and focus on driving.
The twenty-one minutes went by pretty fast since it wasn't long until I made it to the south, pulling up into the same parking spot that was in front of the old, rickety house Ricci lived in.
I text him,
Me: I'm here.
I soon see the texting bubble pop up, meaning he was typing.
Ricci: Alright, come up front. I'll be out in a sec.
Me: Okay.
I get out of my car and make my way up the steps to his front door. I knock on it to let him know I was waiting. I soon hear the sound of the doorknob being unlocked and Ricci opens the door with the chain lock still on.
"Mickey! What's up? Hold on..."
He closed the door and unlocked the chain lock before opening the door again.
"Have the five k?"
Yep, I get five thousand dollars worth of cocaine and weed. Ricci gets the good stuff. His coke is pure cut and the bud is high quality. And the fact that I get an eight ball and eight ounces of marijuana is why I pay so much. The highs I get from his stuff is phenomenal.
I nod and take out my fat wallet, fishing out fifty hundred dollar bills.
"Nice. I'll be back with your order, man."
He disappeared down to his basement and soon came back up with the package of cocaine and velvet bag of weed. He hands them to me and I stuff them in my inner jacket pocket,
"Thanks, Rich."
"No problem."
I'm about to leave his doorstep, but he soon says,
"Hey, wanna smoke a bit? We'll use one of my joints."
I stop at the first step down and turn to face him. He pulled a joint out from behind his ear and presented it to me. I look back at my car and then pull my phone out to check the time.
Four twenty-seven.
I have enough time, right?
I look back at Rich and shrug,
"Sure, why not? I'll only do two hits though. Don't want to drive while I'm fucked." I chuckle and sit on the step, for Ricci came out of his house, closing the door behind him, and going over to sit as well. He pulls out a lighter and offers the blunt to me,
"Want first hit?"
"Sure." I smile and take it along with the lighter. I bring the splif to my lips and light the end, inhaling the smoke of the burning chronic. I take the joint out of my lips and hold the smoke in my lungs for five seconds before blowing it out. I then give Ricci the blunt so he could take a hit.
"So, have you told your dad about Caleb yet?" He asked me after he exhaled. I nod,
"Yeah. He took it well." I take my last hit and pass it back to Ricci.
"Hey, that's good, man."
I watch as he put out the joint on the wooden step, snuffing out the lit embers before placing the now-half blunt behind his ear again.
"Found anyone you're interested in yet?"
"Nah, I've been busy with my business and shit."
"Your dad's business you mean?" He said this in a joking matter. I still roll my eyes,
"Yeah, yeah, shut it. I'm close to getting all of the O'Hare business. My dad told me that all I have to do is keep up with this season's expenses and I should be good without his guidance. It's summertime, you know?"
"Oh yeah, shit man. Good luck! All these families flying out here to see the Windy City."
I scoff, "Yeah. Thank god I don't have to literally work inside that airport though... I'm only keeping track of the money that is made daily."
We stayed silent after that, just sitting next to each other while appreciating our slight buzz. Kids were soon seen running past Rich's house, down the sidewalk. Their laughter reminded me of when I was younger. I played outside all day when it was nice out. My ma didn't let me go to the parks during the rainy days and winter blizzards. She didn't want me to get sick. But on those days she at least let me play out in our backyard, that way I could get back inside faster. I had a good childhood.
I look down at my phone for it was going off. My dad was calling.
"Hello?" I say as I answer the phone.
"Mikhailo! Where are you?"
I stood up, "I'm making a coffee run, why?"
"Alright, get me a coffee too then? I'll pay you back."
"Awe, there's no need for that, dad. What would you like? Your usual?" I look down at Ricci to find that he was trying to hold in his laughter. My parents don't know about me doing drugs. I've never told them and I never will.
"Yes, the french vanilla latte."
I roll my eyes at Rich for laughing at me, "Alright. I'll be back in a few."
"Okay, thank you, son."
"See ya."
"Bye, son."
I hang up and sigh, "Gotta go."
Ricci finally let his laughter out, "No shit. See ya, daddy's girl."
"Fuck you too." I chuckle and do our secret high five before going down the steps. As I open the gate, I look over to the left to find a hot ginger... Holy shit was he hot, but he was walking with a girl with long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Kinda like mine. I watch as they walk past me, seeing that the ginger's vibrant green eyes stayed on me the whole time... Was he checking me out? Or was he making sure I wasn't staring at who I'm guessing is his girlfriend. Shit. He's probably straight... I was now watching their backs as they kept walking down the sidewalk. I snap out of it and continue to get to my car, looking back at Ricci's house to find that he was back inside for he wasn't on his porch anymore. I get in the drivers seat and turn on the ignition. I still see the hot guy and bite my lip as I begin to drive slowly, wanting every chance I get to check this guy out...
The fiery red hair that glowed in the sunlight, his well built shoulders... How his grey tank fit his torso perfectly, barely protecting his sunburnt skin...
I didn't realise I was reaching the end of the street until a horn blared to the right of me. I quickly put my foot on the breaks and look over at the angry driver who now sped off in his black Cadillac. I glance back to the couple to see that they stared at me, giving me a weird look, before turning the corner. My cheeks heat up as I turn as well, driving out of the neighbourhood in normal speed. Through my right mirror I saw that the guy stared at my car...
I sigh.
What's wrong with me?

Rich Kid (Gallavich AU)Where stories live. Discover now