Reader X Harry

901 14 3

This is my favorite chapter so far. Hope it's not terrible!

You limped into the great hall and pulled out your wand and began to mumble spells.

"Reparifors" you mumbled at a Raven haired girl that looked to be a Ravenclaw.

"Tergeo" At a group of students crying over a body.

"Vulnera Sanetur" At the worse-off victims.

"The wars over. We won" Your best friend Hadley said as she walked up to you. You nodded solemnly at your blonde friend. She was so innocent yet carried so much.

"Yeah. It's finally over Hal. I'll heal and you look for people we haven't found yet ok?" You asked, devising a plan.

"Same meet up place?" Hadley asked, blue eyes shining with the thought of past years.

You nodded and set off to the girls bathroom. Your shoes soon squeaked to a halt at the snake-engraved sink. "Open" You whispered. The sink slowly revealed your safe haven, the chamber of secrets.

You heard running feet and panicked, thinking of a spell to hide what you were doing. Thankfully, it was just Hadley who was carrying a very bloody slytherin. The boy seemed to be in fourth year. His pale skin was pull of large gashes and he seemed to have hit his head. Hadley looked at you, clearly disturbed.

You smiled sadly and said " Hadley why dont you take him down and gaurd. I'll go looking." Hadley nodded appreciably and took the boy into the chamber with a flick of her wand.

You nodded to yourself and began your search. You sent a half conscious Hufflepuff to Hadley with a spell the two of you made up. Next there was a Gryffendor who had nearley lost his mind to the cruactious curse. Many more people like this were sent to Hadley before you headed back.

You returned to the chamber to see Hadley had put up countless protective charms that you two had discussed, and even a few you two had made up. Luckily, you were the only one besides Hadley that could bypass them. Continuing on your way you laughed slightly at Hadley's efforts to scare the wits out of anyone, would they pass all the charms. there were boggarts, trained Red Caps, Baskilisk Skins, Bugs (You laughed at that one), Spiders, Dark misleading passageways, and more.

"Y/N!" Hadley exclaimed once you appeared in the main room. You smiled and ran to hug her. "Everyone is here, no splinches or anything like that" She whispered.

The both of you spent about a week getting everyone out of critical condition. All of their parents thought they were dead, but it had to be that way for them to heal properly with the medicines they were on. "We're losing one!" You screamed in panic. It was a gryffindor that had been in a coma. You quickly grabbed the potion you and Hadley had been developing and tilted it into the girls mouth. The machine eased and the girl started breathing normally again. "Thank god. Oh my god. Hadley it worked! It worked! Salazar she's alive! She's safe!" You squealed, jumping up and down.

Hadley came running in, a slightly wet cloth in her hand. "It did?!? What were your measurements?" Hadley asked.

"The blue line" you replied as Hadley scribbled something down.

"I'll fix the medications we are putting them on. Go make five of those, oh and Jessie might want to help too." Hadley said in a hurry before sprinting to the statue that you two took refuge inside.

"Salazar I hope you're proud." you whipsered to your house founder (Yes you're in Slytherin).

"Y/N Hadley said we need to make some potions." Jessie, a former patient called.

"Yeah, lets go!" You exclaimed. Jessie is in Hufflepuff and had been in critical condition like everyone else but had healed extremly fast. Now Jessie helped around just like all the other would once you and Hadley saw fit. The two of you began to brew the potion, you telling her of the miracle that had just occurred.

Later that night, you heard a knock on your and Hadley's little statue door. You grabbed your wand and made your way to the door (you never slept in P.Js because you almost always had to get up to help patents). You opened the door slowly and sighed, it was only Jack.

Jack is a third Ravenclaw who you and Hadley had thought was almost ready to start helping like Jessie did. Hadley had been checking on his section and most likely told him to come here. " Hey Jack. What's up?" You asked.

"Hadley said y'all are letting me help now." Jack replied, clearly excited.

"Yeah, you're well enough. Why don't we take a quick walk around?" You offered, which he nodded. You sent a quick patronus to Hadley. "Tell Hadley that I will take the east wing look out with Jack. She needs to let Jessie take the rest of her rounds and sleep. Don't leave until she goes to the old hat (statue looks like the sorting hat and is enchanted to announce who is at the door)." You said. The Y/P (your patronus) nodded and headed off.

You walked with Jack around the east wing, closest to the entrance. Jack was retelling a story from his earlier days at Hogwarts. "Hey Y/N?"

"Yeah Jack?"

"I know y'all don't say who is actually here until they are fully healed but my little sister, Emma-"

"You don't know if she is alive? Come with me." You said, taking Jack's hand. You led Jack farther down the East wing until you stopped at a small counter where you pulled out a large binder and flipped through until you found the room that Emma had been moved to. You actually worked with Emma a lot. At the moment, Emma was in room 205.

You closed the book and took Jack's hand once again and took him down a few more hallways until you came to a stop and grabbed Jack's other hand. You looked into his dark blue eyes and whispered "prepare yourself". Jack's breath hitched as he nodded, a million thought running through his head.

You slowly opened the door to reveal a frail little girl. Emma had long dark brown hair that was neatly brushed around her face. She had cuts and bruises all on her arms that were being extra tricky to heal. The girl's eyes fluttered open, the golden eye color clashing slightly with her pale, sickly face.

"Emma. Oh my Merlin it's you!" Jack exclaimed, rushing to her side. You left the room, leaving Jack to his sister.

You heard footsteps running toward you so you pulled out your wand, holding it at ready. When the figure emerged from the shadows, you were surprised to see Harry.

"Y/N?!? What is this place?!? Are you alone here?!? Oh my Merlin I thought you were dead!" Harry exclaimed, rushing to hug you. You and Harry had been extremely close since first year.

You led Harry to the old Hat and passed him a butterbeer. "How's the ministry recovering?" You asked casually.

"The ministry?!? You are running a hospital inside the chamber of secrets! These kids are supposed to be dead! You have been missing for almost a year!" Harry yelled.

"Shhh, you'll wake up the students. These students were found in desperate need of attention. Most of them have been in a coma for a while! These kids need physical and mental healing and that's what I'm providing." You stated.

"I get it I guess" Harry said, his voice softening.

"Thanks Harry." You smiled, running to the other side of the table you threw your arms around him.

Harry hugged you back before whispering "I'm with Ginny right now cause I thought you died. You mean so much more to me though".

You understood where he was coming from and only nodded in return. When you pulled back Harry took your hand and apperated you into the empty Gryffindor common room. "We need to catch up in private my perfect little Fox"

You rolled your eyes, blushing. "yeah sounds great Clementine"

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