ReaderX Draco

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This chapter I was sorta forced to write by trippypeaches go follow them they rock.... I also think I kept giving Draco to myself in stories (Nicole/ Nikki) but I realized that there are plenty of others that want him too. look at me sharing my bae for once :)

You were riding your four wheeler up the mountain trying to pass some time before your little crew came. Fred, Draco, and Luna. Yeah you were the Redneck outta the bunch but they loved you anyways. The four if you always came to your house during the summer and, despite what other people at Hogwarts thought, everyone got along quite well. And you might have the slightest crush on Draco Malfoy. Looking ahead you saw the familiar trail that your mother had made for you when you were only three. Sharp turn.

"Good goin there sunshine. Just run over all the turkeys won't ya?" Fred asked.

"Good gosh you scared me you lil nut." You exclaimed stopping the four wheeler and hopping out.

"When did I earn that nick name?"

"When you tried to feed the chickens nuts hoping it would give it a new flavor."

"I was drunk!"

"We don't even kill the chickens!"

"Fighting like an old married couple again are we?" Draco's usually hard voice asked. You loved how different he was around the three of you. His voice was casual. His hair untidy. His clothing was a cowboy-ish style.

"Oh shut it Twig" Fred replied with a chuckle.

"Back to old nicknames are we?" Draco asked.

"Oh we will never let you live that one down. You came back with a twig and said you pulled a tree outta the ground" you said with a fond smile.

"Anyways how is it coming with Luna?" Twig asked Fred.

"She still doesn't know I like her" Fred said with a sigh.

"Oh well. Where is she anyways?" You asked stopping the rant you knew Fred would start about how perfect Luna was.


"I have arrived!" Luna's usually mystical voice said with a bright loving tone. She was wearing a blue sun dress with cow girl boots.

"Howdy Glitter!" You greeted her with her own childhood name.

"Ah Rock there you are!" Luna exclaimed running over and tackling you with a hug making the both of you topple over into Draco's arms.

"Woah woah girls! What about me?" Fred asked faking hurt.

"Oh how could we forget you?" Luna asked with a smirk before throwing the keys that were in your pocket at Fred.

"DRIVE YOU OL NUT!" You yelled. This made Draco quickly round the three of you up in the four wheeler before Fred left you.

While the Fred drove you all had time to catch up about anything and everything that had happened over the beginning of the summer.

"Anyone up for blueberry cobbler?" You asked running into the kitchen once Luna parked the four wheeler ( you took turns driving).

"Heck yeah!" The group yelled to you as you disappeared behind the screen door. You came back out with another set of keys and a cooking pan.

"Anyone up for a ride in the truck?" You asked.

"Where to?" Draco pointed out.

"The corn field. I'll grab the radio" Luna said with a bright smile.

"I'll grab this thing!" Draco exclaimed picking you up and running over to the truck. "Oh and I drive!"

"And I D.J!" You added quickly.

So for the whole drive there the four of you joked and listened to your favorite country songs.

"Tomorrow we should go muddin" Fred suggested.

"Kay!" you replied as Draco hit a rock.

"We're here!" Luna stated hopping out of the truck as it was still in motion.

"LUNA YOUR GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!" Fred yelled in suprise, jumping out of the truck too.

"They can die together." you mumbled to Draco.

"Aw i know you would miss em" Draco teased.

"Yeah, it would be too quiet" you grumbled with a smile. You loved Luna and Fred so it upset you at the thought of losing them, but somehow Draco always made you smile.

As you hopped out of the truck you walked to the back where Fred and Luna were snuggling on the hay. Smiling to yourself you walked over and sat down. Luna liked Fred for some time now. Four years back none of you would have thought you would end up liking each other. Sure everyone in the group had kissed an unimportant person or two and dated a few people each, but none of you expected to have someone for life. y'all all expected to be single and sunburnt together. Singing songs with each other till no one could even manage to whisper.

You didn't realize how deep in thought you were until Draco came and dropped an arm around you making you jump. "Hah we've always managed to scare you so easily Rock" Draco teased, amused.

"Luna and Y/N Follow us" Fred said huffing as he stood up. The two of you followed Draco and Fred hand in hand. About 8 min later you arrived at a moonlit clearing you had all used to go to when one of you we're sad. All four of you would go and stay the night in the place. It was your way of telling each other that you would always be there for each other no matter what.

Fred pulled Luna over to him and whispered something in her ear making her confused expression fade and be replaced with a goofy smile only Luna could make look cute. You didn't get to see what happened next because Draco pulled you into a warm embrace.

"Whats all this for?" you asked slightly hoping for something to happen.

"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" Draco asked.

You looked into his stormy gray eyes. Did you like him? You loved his rare kindness. You loved his gentle touch. You loved his hair. You loved how strong he was mentally, and physically. You knew his life was a storm. A terrible mess. You cherished the mess he was. It struck you. You loved Draco Malfoy your childhood best friend. "Yes" you whispered.

He kissed you with so much passion. you were standing with him at the exact same spot you used to tell the group about your break ups. They listened, but more importantly Draco waited. He never got mad that you had not taken notice to him. He pulled you closer filling the small gap between the two of you. Soon your hands were in this soft blonde hair. When you two pulled apart for air the only thing you could look at were those stormy grey eyes. Those same eyes you had seen for so many summers. No words were needed. They never were.

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