Fred X Reader

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You were in the room of requirement reading your favorite book. For you, the room always turned into a mini common room of sorts but the twist was that it displayed a piece from each house. There was a warm fire always burning and a portrat of each house founder above it. There was a staircase that led to a beautiful tower with a perfect veiw of the forbidden forest, hagrids hut, a bit of the lake, and the big tree everyone loves.

There was also a small bedroom with its own bathroom. The bedroom was decorated with blues and glow up stars on the ceiling. Also, there was a variety of clothes in the closet. This was, no doubt, coursity of Helega Hufflepuff. She had told you that this was a room that all of the founders had created for only people that had a special type of innocence to them.

In the room there was also a very special book. This book actually allowed you to read others emotions at the moment. How it worked was you wrote the persons name and wait about five seconds before a reply came. The catch was their wasn't an explanation. This was most likly Salazar's addition to the room, he didn't have many.

At the thought of the book, you went other to where it was hidden and took it from its place. You thought for a moment before writing down a name.

Tom Riddle

five seconds later..

Confident and ready, you know this Y/N. Harry Potter already told you. You can't escape the truth.

You closed your eyes and held your breath for a few seconds. "This isn't the fate I want" you whispered to yourself.

"Y/N. You don't have to be in this war." Rowena said from her place above the fire.

"How so?" You asked.

"You aren't an official member of the DA or a death eater." she explained.

"but you know who I am"

"yes I do. You also know that this isn't your fate. Your fate will be whatever you make it. Just don't make it dead."

"What about Rachel? She didn't have a choice." you spat, tears falling from your face at the thought of your dead friend.

"She told you to. Rachel knew only one of you would survive. Rachel planned to be the one to go and asked you to use her life."

"I hate it. We taked about doing it, yea.. I still feel sick" You replied.

"Rachel was so smart Y/N. She was brave for mentioning it. Smart for doing it. Rebelous little thing too." Rowen said, crying as well.

"George is so broken. Rachel loved him. I remeber how she shipped me and Fred." you laughed in between sobs.

"The horcrux will stay here hidden in the safe room, it's impossible to get to. Rachel is so prod of you for using her to make it." Rowena said.

You nodded. Suddenly there was a hurried knock on the door. Fred. You look to Salazar for permission, he nodded. You smiled at him and flung the door open. You pulled Fred inside and threw the door shut.

"The war.."

"I know Freddy"

"I love you Y/N"

"Love you too"

"Will we die?"

"Not sure.. Fred I'm scared"

Fred then pulled you softly on the couch and pulled you to him. "Will this be the last?" You asked, afraid for the answer.

"No, lets hope not" he replied, pulling you closer. The two of you had been dating for about five months now. a crash was heard a few minuites later.

"It started." you said, jumping up.

Fred took your hands and looked into your E/C eyes. "I love you Y/N/N (nickname)"

"I love you too (his nickname)"

After that the two of you rushed out, wands in hand, into the war. No amount of love can revieve a person. The phrase kept replaying in your head, you didn't know why until the war was over.

This chapter sucked but oh well, I tried. I feel like I should have gone deeper into the war but I wasnt sure how. Thanks for reading!






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