Reader x Young Remus

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You were crouched down inside a big tree in the forbidden forest. You moved a strand of your H/C hair out of your eyes and looked up to the full moon that was lowering out of the sky, marking the end of your pain. You sighed and fell asleep in the middle of the forest.

You woke up to the sound of crunching leaves. You peeked your head outside the tree and saw a tall boy your same age gasp as his eyes met your own. The boy took his wand out of his gryfindor robes and lit it. The boy was also fifteen and he had chocolate brown hair that matched his eyes perfectly. The boy's eyes softened when he saw the claw marks on the tree and yourself. "what? you doing to go tell the whole school that there is a rabid wearwolf attending? Or maybe rat me out to Dumbledore?" You spat, afraid he would.

The boy looked taken back but he replied with a smile "now why would I tattle on my own kind?"

It was your turn to be suprised. "Im sorry."

He shook his head and smiled. "nothing to be sorry about"

You eventually escaped the tree an tried to stand up. Much to your distaste, your right ankle gave out and you went on a fast trip to the cold, hard, unforgiving ground. Lucky for you a very warm, cute, lovable, brown haired angle helped you up. You shook the thoughts from you head, you just met him!

The next Morning..

You woke up to white. Just plain white. No, Y/N I did not die looking at a hot wearwolf... not that i would hate that you thought to yourself.

"Oi! She's awake. Mr. Lupin wake up dear. you both had a hard night. Hope you dont mind sharing some of the chocolate." The nurse fussed over you, shoving a foul potion into your bloody hands.

You drank the potion and stumbled out of the hospital bed and quickly took a shower in the bathroom. Right as you came out you saw a girl with pale skin and blue and purple hair. The ends of the girls short hair has been burnt by what looked like a potion gone wrong. Not being abloe to stop yourself, you walked over and asked the girl if she needed help.

"I need to fix my hair, know any spell?" She asked, slightly embarassed.

You nodded and replied "Yeah i can fix it. How about we make it go to your shoulders, it would be really cute."

The girl seemed to be in deep thought before she replied "Ok sounds good. Thanks, I know im only a first year"

You just nodded and quickly fixed her hair with a bit of wandless magic, that shower helped a lot. Once you were done, you went bac over to your bed next to Mr. Hottie. Thanks to the nurse, your bedsheets were clean and there was a block of chocolate beside your bed. "why cant girls get this when the time of the month comes?" you mumbled to yourself.

Mr. Hottie chuckled and sat upright. Now that you saw him in the light, Mr. Hottie didnt even begin to explain this boys perfection. Even after a full moon, he was still effortlessly amazing. "So, Im Remus." the boy introduced, glancing at the alarm clock on his bedside table.

"I'm Y/N. Thanks for helping me last night" You replied. Despite not liking to be in debt to someone, Mr. Hottie you mean Remus really did help a ton.

"wanna go for a walk? It's frustrating being in here all the time" Remus offered with his signature smile. You nodded and entergetically followed the boy out tward the lake.

"What house are you in?" he asked.

"Y/H. you are a bold lion I see" you said, motioning at his robes.

"yep. wanna know why it's the best house?" Remus asked with a smirk as he sat down by the old tree

"why?" you challanged.

"cause i can do this with an excuse" Remus asked before he kissed you. Of course you kissed Mr. Hottie back, who wouldnt?

"will you be my girlfried, strange human I just met and fell in love with?" Remus asked, a goofy grin on his face.

"of course odd boy who took me to the hell i call the hospital wing"

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