Two - Teardrops, Not Raindrops

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I slid to the hole in which he had fallen and immediately took my braid out, letting my extremely long hair loose. I dropped it into the water and began to sang.

"Flower gleam, and glow.                   My hair began to glow, lighting up the water.

Let your power shine.                                            

Make the clock reverse.

Bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt.

Change the fate's design.

Save what has been lost.

Bring back what once was mine,

what once was mine..."

I waited...for a sound, movement, anything that would reassure me that Jack would be okay. Nothing. 


I waited for hours. I kept thinking that because he was under water, that the power would take a while to take effect. But, I then realized that I was just lying to myself, because just the thought of losing him kills me inside. And I now have the knowledge that he is gone. Forever...

It got late. It got dark. And I got upset. I let go and burst into tears. I screamed. I sobbed. I cried his name. He was gone. My best friend was gone forever, and there was nothing I could do about it. Then, as if the heavens felt my sadness, it began to rain. There was thunder and lightning, but I didn't care. I was staying here with Jack. I couldn't leave him. I wouldn't.

"Rapunzel!" shouted a voice. It was male. 

"Jack?" I said.

"Rapunzel! Where are you?" 

"Jack! I'm here! I'm at the pond! I'm here!"

A body burst through the bushes. But it wasn't Jack. It was Flynn Rider. "Rapunzel. There you are. Your folks are worried sick about you, Blondie! You have a curfew. Remember?" He said. "Sorry, Flynn. I was...waiting for Jack." I said. "I thought Jack was supposed to meet you here this morning." He asked. "I guess he forgot." I lied.

"Seriously Blondie? You think that Jack, of all people would have forgotten about you?" He said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look, I'm not saying that this is one hundred percent true. But ever since I met the kid, he seemed like he had a thing for you. I can see it when he comes over for dinner. The way he looks at you."

"So, you think that Jack liked, or maybe even loved me?"

"Liked? What happened to him?"

I explained everything, and now that I know that Jack felt this way about me, my heart was broken on a whole new level. I burst into tears, yet again, and ran through the forest to the castle.  I didn't eat, or greet anyone. I went to my room, and locked the door. 

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