Six - Turning Tables (Rapunzel)

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It been about a week since Jack and I (miraculously) reunited. He still hasn't told me how he...came back. But I won't rush him. He'll tell me when he's ready.

Jack and I decided to go for a canyon walk. We were both feeling adventerous today. So why not? We got lunch at the Snuggly Duckling, and then took the tunnels from there. "Punzie, are you sure you want to go this way?" Jack asked me, studying every detail of the cave. "Yeah, it's totally safe. Why?" I asked. "Well, it was supposed to rain pretty heavy today, and we're in the valley. I'm just concerned. Worried that there might be a flood or something." He said. "Don't be ridiculous, Jack. Yeah, there have been floods. But now that Hookhand made that blockage at the entrance of the cave, we're safe." I reassured him. He relaxed almost instantly.

We walked a little longer, when suddenly Jack stopped walking. "What is it?" I asked.

"Do you feel that?"

At that exact moment, I felt the ground shaking, and I could hear rapids. "But...but...wh-how.." I stuttered. Then the waves were in sight. Gallons of water baroling towards us. "Punzie. Run. Run! Go now!" I could hear Jack say. I grabbed my long hair in my arms and kept running. He was far ahead of me. He had flown to the exit of the cave. "Jack! Wait!" I shouted to him. The light was just in front of me when a giant boulder blocked my way, engulfing me in darkness. Which allowed the rapid waves to slam into my fragile body, pushing me against the boulder. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. All I could think was This is it. I'm going to die.

Before I was sucked beneath the waves, I heard a faint shout from the other side of the boulder.


I love you, Jack.


Heller!! Sorry if this was short and/or boring. This story isn't turning out quite how I planned. But I will finish it. I promise. Hope you guys like it! Love yas!!

♫ DLO ♪

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