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*Requested* Could you do a oneshot where Damon and the reader get into a huge fight and in the end one of them says something in the lines of "If you leave now, don't come back." ?

Characters: Damon x Human!Reader

Warnings: Verbal fighting, breakup

To say that you are angry is an understatement. You are blood-boilingly furious. Your boyfriend Damon has the habit of patronizing you due to your very mortal and vulnerable condition. Tonight was no different. It was yet another one of the same nights you had numerous of times and this last drop simply made the cup run over. And once the cup runs over, there is no preventing the flood from drowning you.

The car ride back from the bar you visited was silent and tense and not even the familiar surroundings of your own home, once you arrived, could ease the tension.

Damon: "Are you going to ignore me forever?"

You get rid of your jacket, the usually comforting material feels like a constricting straitjacket right now. Damon just stands there, staring holes into your backside.

Y/N: "Most likely"

He huffs at your answer and you respond with rolling your eyes as you turn around and face him.

Damon: "I did this for you, you know?"

He always does that. He hurts or kills someone and claims it is because the person looked at you a certain way or made you uncomfortable. He also tries to make it sound like you are incapable of taking care of things yourself which you are not. Even as a mere human.

Y/N: "Just stop, Damon! Stop using me as an excuse for your poor self-control!"

He seems surprised by you raising your voice, but of course, he cannot simply apologize and let it be.

Damon: "Poor self- are you kidding me? The only person with poor self-control was that guy at the bar tonight."

You bumped into an old classmate tonight who bullied you terribly throughout your 4 years of high school. He was the typical stereotype; a handsome popular guy who thrived on tearing other people down.

Y/N: "So what? That guy was a bully, big deal. He did not deserve to have his head ripped off for being a douche."

You shrug your shoulders and you wish nothing more than to end this fight right this second, but that does not seem to be the case.

Damon: "Yes he did!"

The veins on Damon's neck start to be more prominent, which you know is a bad sign. He is furious right now.

Y/N: "No! Ugh, It's always the same with you, Damon! I didn't ask you to do anything, but you did it anyway."

He takes a few hasty steps towards you, so close you can feel his anger radiating from his skin.

Damon: "Do you think I need to be asked to defend you? To snap necks left and right if guys like this make you uncomfortable?

Y/N: "Yes! I could have handled this myself, but you had to turn it into a bloodbath."

Damon: "Oh, I'm sorry I care so much. How awful of me!"

You pinch the bridge of your nose shaking your head in disbelief.

Y/N: "Maybe that's the problem. You care too much about things that can't be changed."

Damon: "But I did change it!"

Y/N: "No you eliminated it!"

Damon: "So?"

Y/N: "That's not how it works!! You can't kill people if you disagree with them!"

Damon: "I can, I have and I will continue doing so. I'm never going to change, Y/N! You are never going to change either. You'll never stop holding on to that one little shred of humanity I have left and I'll never stop disappointing you. That's who we are!"

You sense that this fight took an entirely different turn. You have the feeling he is trying to push you away from him with his overly aggressive behavior. But why? Because he is a vampire and you are human?

Y/N: "This is not about tonight, is it? And you're not patronizing me, you're trying to push me away, aren't you?."

The startled look that appears on his face indicates that you are dead on target. That is exactly what he is doing, what he always did. But you hoped you would be able to crack his shell someday.

Damon: "You know what? Screw this. I'm out."

You do not know what led you to this point in your relationship, what caused you to behave this way, but you fear that there is no going back to the golden days.

Y/N: "If you leave now, don't you ever come back."

He stops, his shoulders visibly tense but he keeps his back turned despite your ultimatum.

Y/N: "Do you understand? If you walk out that door, we're done. I can't- I won't wait for you to finally let me in. I'm tired of it."

He clenches his hand to a fist, fighting with himself because he so desperately wants to stay. He wants to turn around and apologize and do everything in his might to make up for the things he has done. At least that is what he would do if his ego would not stand in the way.

He grabs the door handle and opens the door and walks out, the sound of the closing door echoing through your home..

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