Sleeping With The Enemy

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*Requested* You are a Salvatore and you are dating Klaus without your brothers knowing about it. And when you finally talk to them about it you get in an argument with Damon and he says something to hurt you. So you leave and stay in Mikaelsons for the night and Damon comes apologizing.

Characters: Klaus x SalvatoreSister!Reader, Damon

Story Title: "Sleeping with the enemy"

Warnings: implied smut (nothing bad)

A/N: I just focused on Damon and the sisters argument so I left Stefan out to not to lengthen this in an unnecessary way. Also, feedback is welcomed and very appreciated!

The house is quiet and dark when you open the big wooden door. It's strange to see the place so empty. Normally the fireplace would be lit and one or both of your brothers would be sitting in the living room either reading or drinking.

But today them not being here just yet is a good thing, because you planned on telling them that you have been dating Klaus Mikaelson for a few months now.

Their enemy. The big bad hybrid.

Yep, it's going to be a total disaster.

Your phone begins to ring in your pocket and you look at the display. It's your boyfriend Klaus.

"Miss me already?" You say, picking up his call. You hop on the couch and throw your legs over the edge.

"You know I do." Klaus smiles on the other end. "Are you quite sure you cannot pay me a visit? You could stay the night..." He trails off.

"As much as I would love to, I can't. I want to tell Damon tonight as sort of a trial run for Stefan." You say, already dreading your brothers yelling. And stares. And pretty much everything else.

"But perhaps I can come over later and we can finish what we started this morning."

"Now that sounds like a plan we'll both enjoy," Klaus replies. You can practically see him smirk through the phone.

"Unless it goes sideways and you need to swoop in as my knight in shining armour."

"Knight in shining armour?" He chuckles.

"Okay maybe devil in shining armour, but still." You chuckle as the visuals of Klaus in a shining getup play out in your mind. "You better start polishing your armour, because I can guarantee you he'll lose his mind."

"I am quite sure you won't need my assistance, love, but now that if you do, I will be right by your side."

Thank you. You're the best." You reply before you quickly look at the display to check the time. Damon should be here soon.

"I should hang up now, I can already feel him breathing down my neck." You can hear Klaus chuckle at the other end "I love you."

"I love you too, my love."

"Bye." You hang up the phone and throw it on the couch in front of you.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Damon calls out from behind.

That asshole must've eavesdropped.

Well, shit.


This is definitely not the way you wanted to break the news. But as always your plans don't go quite as originally thought.

"You're out of your mind, Y/N!"

You knew he would be mad, but the look on his face is nothing like you expected. He seems...betrayed.

"Yeah well that's nothing new, is it?" You joke receiving nothing but a continuing death stare.

"Listen, I know you had your differences with him but I love him, Damon. I really do."

"You love him?! Klaus? The all-powerful wolf-vamp hybrid dick?!

"He's not a dick." You shake your head "At least not to me."

As impossible as it seems, it's true. While Klaus might use questionable manners, he has always been kind and courteous with you.

"And you think he really cares about you, Y/N?" Damon spats.

He, of course, doesn't seem convinced.

"I know he does."

"No, he doesn't!! He's using you to get close to us. To spy on us. And you're just too naive to see it."

"Yeah well, I guess that runs in the family huh?" You say, crossing your arms in front of your chest "You know, Damon, just because you and Stefan were stupid enough to be fooled by Katherine doesn't mean Klaus is the same way."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I am. But hey, what do I know. I'm just your naive sister, right?" You grab your phone, ready to leave, but of course, Damon holds you back.

"You're not going anywhere." He says and blocks the doorway.

"Watch me." You grab his arm and push his arm from the doorknob.

"Y/N! Stop it!"

"No, Damon. I'm so sick of you portraying me as a dumb fool. Unlike you, I know if someone screws with me."

You push him out of the way and open the door. You turn around once before you leave.

"Oh and thank you for your undying brotherly support.I didn't feel bad enough about lying to you as it is." You say as a flicker of regret flickers over your brothers face. "Don't follow me."

You walk out of the door, heading to the only place you want to be right now; The Mikaelson Mansion while Damon stays behind, his heart pounding with anger...


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