"Lightning & Thunder" (sequel to "Stay")

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Imagine after Damon walks out on your ultimatum you invite him to have one last talk.

Characters: Damon x Reader

Story Title: "Lightning & Thunder"

It has been a few days since Damon left nothing but a Damon shaped hole in your door. You spend the first days crying, the days after that restlessly tossing in turning in your empty bed. After another set of days, the fog of sadness seemed to have cleared and you are ready to face him again.

He at least deserves an explanation, a reason why you gave him that ultimatum. And however this talk ends, one thing will never change; You and Damon, however messy and crazy your relationship was, it was the best thing that has ever happened.

You've been sitting across the door for what felt like hours, back pressed against the cold wall with your phone next to you. A hesitant knock brings your heartbeat out of rhythm as if someone held a finger in the way of the small needle on a metronome.

You get up, your hands shaking as you open the door. The sunlight comes in bright and burning, but the sun was nothing compared to the piercing eyes of your......whatever Damon is at this point.

He smiles weakly and walks in, his leather jacket firmly around his body. You lead him to your couch and sit down.

After a moment of awkwardly glancing at each other Damon takes the initiative.

"I practiced what I'm gonna say to you all the way over here, did you know that?" Damon smiles weakly, his eyes that wear an untypical sadness fixated on you "Listen, Y/N, I-"

"No wait, let me first." You interrupt him "I've been thinking a lot. About me, about you, about...us and I just want you to know that I'm..sorry."

"You're sorry?? For what?" Damon furrows his eyebrow in confusion, not quite understanding what you mean because he thought he is the one to blame for your breakup.

"For pushing too hard. It wasn't fair to expect you to open up when I know it's so difficult for you." You explain "I barged into your personal space that you obviously don't feel comfortable sharing yet and I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N." Damon shifts in his seat to face you, his piercing eyes roaming your slightly turned face.

"No, I do. I just..." You get up from the couch mid-sentence, being so close to Damon is too much in that moment, "I feel like I only exist in half of your life, and no matter how great that half is, it's not good enough for me. I want to be with you 100% and not only half way.And as long as we can't be overcome that obstacle I donßt think we can be together. I'm sorry."

Damon walks up behind you and reaches for your turned shoulder and gently turns you around to face him. "Y/N I....I'm... "

You don't have to apologize, Damon." You interrupt him once again, knowing that he'll only repeat the same non-apologies hoping everything would get back to normal "It's okay, I get it. Letting people in sucks, but I've been working so hard to let you in, and I can't bear the thought of you pushing me away."

"That's not what I meant. I.....it's just. I'm an idiot, okay? I screw things up so no one can screw them up for me. That's what I do, that's what I've always done." He hesitantly cups your face, the sheer touch of his hands, paired with his soft, pleading eyes, is like a pull towards him. "But....I love you, Y/N, and I want to be with you. No matter what it takes."

"I don't think I can go back to how things were right away."

"And I don't expect you to. You have all the time you need." He gently plans a kiss on your head before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear "I'll wait for you, Y/N."He smiles weakly once more before he hesitantly makes his way towards the door.

You're surprised by his calm reaction. You would have expected him to yell, to do anything else than this. Maybe the cause of him pushing you away is to know if you'll come back. Maybe that is his twisted way of trying to figure out if he can trust you with his heart.

If that is the case, then you can't let him walk out that door.

Not again.

"Wait!" You take off running, reducing the distance quickly. He turns around just in time for you to press your lips to his. He smiles into the kiss and snakes his arms around you, pulling you close.

"I knew you couldn't resist." He smiles once you pull away, his signature smirk planted on his face "I'm kidding."

"No, you're right. I couldn't. But I also might not be able to resist punching you in the face as you well know.

"I know you're full of surprises, Y/N."

"I have one requests though. Please don't ever sing again. Especially not if you're drunk." Damon laughs at your request but grants it knowing that his singing- or better whaling in his drunken state certainly wasnßt his best performance.

But it led you here, to a moment of truth.

No matter if this ends in triumph or ruins, right now you can't stay away from each other. You are bound to each other like thunder and lightning. Together you make a fabulous team while apart you're just as mesmerizing, yet something seems to be missing...

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