"All by myself"

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*Requested* Imagine going to the Salvatore boarding house a few days after having a huge fight and breaking up with Damon, only to find him drunk, dancing and singing off-key to breakup songs, and Stefan pleading with you to make him stop and take Damon back

(This can be read as a second part to "Stay")

Characters: Damon x Reader, Stefan

Story Title: "All By Myself"

Word count: 1.067

Being in a relationship with Damon Salvatore can be very difficult sometimes because of his unstoppable temperament. Hell, being in a relationship with any temperamental human, let alone vampire, can be very overwhelming at times.

You and Damon had an intense fight a few weeks ago and you have not spoken since..

The second you entered the door to the Boarding House he started yelling about how stupid it was for you to intervene and that you should finally do what he tells you to. You were sick of him ordering you around so you started to yell back and this back and forth lasted for a long time. Of course, Damon being Damon, he overreacted and tried pushed you away for the hundredth time, thinking you would be better off without him. And this time you agreed, so you broke up with him, ending the fight once and for all.

You are currently opening the door to the Boarding house after Stefan send you a text , needing your help with something. As you step inside you practically bump into Stefan's chest as he quickly walks around the corner leading to the front door.

Stefan: "Ah thank god you're here."

Y/N: "What the hell is going on?"

Stefan: "Come on, I'll show you. Oh yeah, maybe you should use these."

He hands you a pack of earplugs, which you put away in your pocket after wondering why he gave them to you. Stefan leads you to the staircase, stopping right before it. He stops without saying a word as if he is waiting for something to happen.

You suddenly hear someone singing loudly and completely off-key.


Stefan presses his lips together and raises his eyebrows as he listens to his brother singing

Y/N: "Is that..?"

Stefan: "Yep. Pretty horrible, right?

You continue to listen, while Stefan rubs his ears, partly covering them because he can't endure Damon's "singing" anymore.


You smile as his voice breaks slightly, finding this whole thing both amusing and cute.

Y/N: "No, not really. I think it's kind of cute."

Stefan: "What?..Okay.. uh perfect. Make it stop."

Y/N: "What?"

Stefan: "You need to stop him from turning this house into a bad casting show or I'll have to kill him. This has been going on for days. After he did his usual lying in the middle of the road- thing he just locked himself up in his room and has been listening to the most annoying breakup songs while drinking a dozen bottles of bourbon."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, Stefan but I don't think I can talk to him right now. Not after the fight we had."

The song Damon was listening to, ends and you hear nothing for a little while.

Stefan: "I know you are not on speaking terms right now, but can't you see, well hear that he misses you as much as you miss him? Please Y/N. I even tried throwing out his stereo, but he just stole mine. I am going insane Y/N, full mental jacket, insane."

You are about to decline again as a familiar songs starts to play in Damon's room. Stefan facepalms while groaning loudly in annoyance.

Stefan: "Oh my god, no. Not again.."

He sighs before pleadingly, yet urgently looking into your eyes.

Stefan: "Please I beg you, make it stop. If I hear another Nickelback, BonJovi, or worse Backstreet Boys song, I am going to kill myself."

Y/N: "I thought you liked Bon Jovi."

Stefan: "Yes, I like Bon Jovi, but not if Damon howls with it completely off-key. My ears are bleeding Y/N! Please just talk to him and work things out."

Maybe Stefan is right. You do have to talk to him, but talking to a drunk Damon might not bring any results. But it's worth a try.

Y/N: "Okay fine. I am doing this for you, okay? And because I really do miss him."

Stefan: "Thank you!! I owe you one."

You walk up the stairs and as you reach Damon's door you hear him loudly sing along the refrain.


You take a deep breath before hesitantly knocking on his door.

Damon: "Go away Stefan!!"

Y/N: "Uh, it's me Y/N."

You suddenly hear him turn off his music, before you hear numerous of things fall over as he makes his way towards the door, not without checking his appearance in the mirror before opening it.

Damon: "Hey Y/N. Uhm, do you want to come in?"

He looks a bit winded, yet overly excited to see you.

Y/N: "No I am not staying. I just wanted to ask you if we could talk about you know, us, when you sobered up."

Damon: "Yes! I mean, sure we can talk. Whenever and wherever you want."

You try to smile away the slight awkwardness that's hanging in the air while Damon eyes don't shift away from your face, as if it's the last time he'll see it.

Y/N: "Okay so how about tomorrow then?"

Damon: "That's perfect. I'll uh, stop by your house?"

Y/N: "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."

He nods in agreement, before you awkwardly wave him goodbye, making your way towards your house. You pass the living room, waving Stefan goodbye who is reading a book, enjoying the needed silence.

Damon closes the door behind him, leaning against it with a smile on his face. He uses his vampire hearing to listen if you already left the house, and as he hears the door falling into lock, he raises his hands in triumph while loudly screaming YES!. He then speeds to his stereo, turns it on and changes the music to his party mix.

Stefan looks up from his book in horror as he hears Damon sing along to more upbeat songs now.

Stefan: "Oh no."

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