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*Requested* Could you do a oneshot where Y/N's a vampire who was killed and when the veil dropped she went to see her ex-boyfriend Damon?

(Our poor Damon. This one is really sad, guys. Really really sad. I hope you enjoy nonetheless)

Characters: Damon x Reader

Warnings: Angsty as all hell, Damon crying (this deserves a warning)

Word count: 1171

The leave rustle under Damon's feet, the tree sway from side to side as the wind howls through the illuminated forest.

Damon squats down, tracing his fingers over your tombstone.

Damon: "I don't know if you're still here, Y/N, or if you moved on already, but I was hoping to see you. You know, Mystic Falls is like Ghost-a-palooza right now, after Bonnie dropped the veil and I figured you might, uh, be here. Even Alaric visited me."

He looks around, searching for you like he has for the past hour. He drove around the city, searching everywhere for you, to no avail. What he doesn't know is that you are already on your way.

Damon: "But maybe I'm wrong and you really have moved on."

You reach your own grave spotting Damon standing there, next to his car placing your favorite flowers down on your grave and then attempts to leave.

Y/N: "Damon! Wait!"

He turns around and hesitates at first as if he cannot believe you are standing before him as a real person. Well, sort of anyway.

His first doubt quickly fades away and he hurries over and wraps his arms around you in an instant, his heart pounding against your chest. He squeezes you tighter and tighter, to the point where you would have suffocated if you would not be dead already. You nuzzle your face into his neck, breathing in his scent.

He pulls back after what feels like the most pleasant eternity and he crosses his hands behind your head, as if he wants to hold onto you as long as possible.

Damon: "You're here. You're really here, Y/N."

Y/N: "I came here as fast as I could the second I heard the news."

Damon: "God, I missed you so much."

He leans forward and captures your lips in a passionate kiss and presses his forehead against yours, while his icy eyes stare into yours. Damn, you forgot how lost you could get in them..

[Time Skip]

You have been talking for quite a while about all the things you watched him do, about your death and how he blames himself that he was not there to save you.
Your back rests against his chest, while the windshield of his car supports his own. Damon's chin rests on your shoulder, and his hands are intertwined with yours.

Feeling his arms around you is everything you dreamed of for the past year and you wish nothing more than to freeze time so this moment never passes.
Unfortunately, it has to. As soon as the moon reaches its high point, you will have to go back to the nothingness that is the other side. It is almost like a twisted version of Cinderella.

Y/N: "The moon is almost up"

Damon just nods, his eyes filling with water. He quickly tries to hold them back, like he has for the past hours.

Another silent moment passes, before the buzzing of Damon's phone rips you out of your moments of bliss. It's time.

You take a deep breath saving that memory in your brain before you reluctantly get up and hop off the hood.

Damon Salvatore Imagines (Damon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now