"Freaky...Thursday?" (Part 1)

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Imagine accidentally swapping Stefan and Damon's bodies while practicing magic.

(This is inspired by a wonderful conversation I had with a dear friend who thought of this great idea and naturally, I just had to write it. This will be a two-parter, maybe even more, depending if I get some ideas for further parts. Let me know what you think! Happy reading my lovelies!)

Characters: Witch!Reader, Damon, Stefan, Bonnie (mentioned)

Warnings: Slightly foul-mouthed reader, terrible little jokes (does that even count as warnings? I have no idea)

Word count: 883

Doing magic is hard. Really hard. Especially if you do not have any place to practice in peace. Sure, the Salvatore Boarding House you are currently residing in, has a lot of space, but your friends Stefan and Damon thought it would be best you would practice in the living room. It makes sense because you pretty much burned your house down the last time you experimented with new spells. You found them written down in a book with your last name on it, which Bonnie found in her collection of grimoires.

So there you are, in the middle of reading this spell: "Corpora stans in conspectu meo dissimili animo et permutare lumen tuum egredientur" (translation will be revealed in the next part)

Damon: "I'm telling you, Batman would destroy Superman."

Stefan: "No way."

Of course they discuss this again. It has been a back and forth ever since you forced them to watch a DC Movie.

Damon: "Batman is as strong as Superman and he, unlike Superman, knows how to disguise himself!"

Stefan: "Yeah because a half-face mask is such good disguise."

Damon: "Better than not wearing any mask at all!!"

It takes every bit of concentration for you to finish speaking the words to the spell, but you are not sure if you might have mispronounces some.

Stefan is about to throw another argument in Damon's face as you finish muttering the last part of the spell, as the ground starts to shatter violently. Pictures fall on the ground, glass shatter and you, Stefan and Damon fall on the ground.

The shaking almost stops immediately after you hit the ground, You get up, simultaneously with Stefan and Damon.

Y/N: "Well that didn't sound too good. You okay?"

Stefan: "Stefan's hair is still in the same hero shape, so I think we're good.... Wait a second..."

Oh oh, something definitely went wrong.

They look at each other(or themselves?This is confusing)and they realized they must have switched bodies.

Y/N: "Well, slap my ass and call me donkey, this is some serious Freaky Friday shit. Except it's Thursday. So I guess it's Freaky..Thursday?"

Damon(as Stefan): "You've gotta be kidding me! He is in...me?"

Y/N: "Yep and not in the fun way."

Damon (as Stefan): "This isn't funny, Y/N.

He looks at his himself with Stefan's green eyes, and Stefan does the same with Damon's icy blue ones

Y/N: "I know, Stef- I mean Damon. I know this isn't funny."

Oh but it is. You can barely hold yourself together, even if you feel a tiny bit of guilt bubbling in there as well.

Damon(as Stefan): "Y/N, you need to reverse the spell. Right now! I already feel the need to groom Stefan's hero hair."

Stefan in Damon's body just rolls his eyes and sighs.

Y/N: "Uh.well.. I don't know how."

Damon (as Stefan): "What? You practice spells without knowing how to reverse them?You got us into this, so get us out! Reverse the damn spell, Y/N!"

Y/N: "Don't you fucking yell at me! If I would know how to reverse it, I would."

Stefan(as Damon): "Stop it. It's not Y/N's fault."

Damon( as Stefan): "But it is!!"

Stefan(as Damon): "Let's just figure this out, okay?"

He walks over to the grimoire, almost reaching it as he turns around, suddenly changing his mind.

Stefan (as Damon): "You know what? No. You're me right now, so stay here and help Y/N figure this out and, you know, be the responsible brother. I'll just disappear and have fun. I'm long overdue. I think I like this spell, Y/N."

He nods, agreeing with himself.

Damon (as Damon): "No way! You're not going out there while you're me!"

Stefan (as Damon): "Sure I will. And I'll even take your car."

Stefan reaches in the leather jacket and pulls out his set of keys.

Damon(as Stefan): "Don't you dare, Stefan!"

Stefan(as Damon): "I'm not asking for permission, baby bro."

Damon(as Stefan): "Stop using my nicknames, Stefan!"

Stefan( as Damon): "I am you right now, remember?"

And with that, he slams the door shut and walks out.

Y/N: "Wow even Stefan turns into a dick while he's walking around in your meatsuit."

Damon(as Stefan: "We need to reverse this now, Y/N. This is witch business, there's only one witch who can help us, Y/N. Who you're gonna call?

Y/N: "Ghostbusters!"

Damon, uh well Stefan rolls his eyes, not finding your joke funny in the slightest.

Y/N: "I'm kidding, geez."

You reach for your phone and dial Bonnies number.

Y/N: "Hey Bonnie, we need your help."

To be continued....

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