Chapter One

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As a kid I always wondered what it would be like to date a famous singer, I just never thought it would actually happen to me.....

Three Weeks Ago


As I walked down the halls of my school my best friend Cassandra skipped up and walked next to me.

"Hey Taylor! Have you decide what you are gonna wear if you come to the dance, and when I say "if" I mean you are going to go anyways." Cassandra smiled when she said that.

Cassandra was that bright girl with the perfect body. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. She was always happy and always tried to make everyone smile. I was glad to have her as my friend!

"No Cassandra, I haven't picked out a dress or anything... I don't even have a date and I don't want to look stupid when I show up without a date."

"Then it looks like we are going dress and boy shopping!" Cassandra squealed

I quickly went to my locker and got everything I needed for the next class. This was going to be a loooonnnnggg day.....

School finally ended and I met up with Cassandra, we walked to her car and left for the mall.

"Where do we go first?" I asked, i haven't been to the mall in a few years because I usually stay the same size for a while. It doesn't mean I don't want new clothes, i just don't want to waste so much money on something I was going to grow out of.

"Let's go boy shopping first" a smile appeared on her face. She was the kind of girl who could be with any guy in a matter of seconds, all she needed to do was flip and wave.

"How about here?" I asked

"Perfect!" we walked into a sport store and saw boys everywhere. Cassandra walked in and pranced around like a kid in a candy store. I even laughed a little.

While looking around most of the boys didn't catch my eye except for one, he had a blonde quiff and was wearing a black hoodie and glasses so I couldn't see his face. I decided to walk over to him and tried to engage in conversation.

"Hi, my name is Taylor." I smiled politely, hoping he would to so I knew he wasn't a jerk.

"Um... Hi my name is um um John." He smiled back, but I could tell that he wasn't telling the truth about his name. Something was up, but I decided to let it go and talk to him.

"So John, do you want to go and walk around the mall? My friend looks like she is busy and I don't want to bother her. Plus, i need someone to give me opinions on some dresses I am trying on." I smiled the brightest possible smile I could make.

"Well I was going to leave but since you asked so nicely, I would love to walk around with you!" He added

We walked around the mall telling each other about ouselves, we laughed at jokes we made and never stopped smiling. Soon he brought me to a spot where no one could se us. I wonder why he brought me here? I thought to myself.

"I have something to tell you, Im not who you think I am." He took off his glasses and I just about fainted....

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