Chapter Three

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Taylor's POV


I popped up from the bed sweating alot, I haven't had that dream in forever. Why did it have to come back?

Just shake it off Taylor, It's not like it will come back. Will it? Who cares...

I started to do my daily routine. I hopped in the shower and washed off (Not gonna get into details about that... Ew.) I left my hair wet and put it into a fishtail. I decided to put on my favorite outfit which was a teal miniskirt with a teal and bright pink crop-top. I put on makeup today, I don't really like to wear makeup. Why not wear it today!

As I reached the kitchen I smelled bacon. I LOVE bacon!

"Hey sweetie, sleep well last night?" Mom said as she handed me a plate of bacon and eggs.

"I slept fine mom." I took a bite of my bacon. Delicious!!! Did I mention I love bacon? Well I do, so get with it!

"I'm heading to work sweetie, I'll see you at around ten o'clock." My mom said as she picked up her purse and walked out the door.

"Bye mo- Oh who I am I kidding, she can't hear me now!"

I heard my ringtone go off upstairs. I sprang into action and run up the stairs, of course I tripped! Is that possible? If it isn't, then I am a GOD!

I instantlyy answered my phone not knowing who was calling... Oooh Maybe I could scare them!

"H-hello? Is this Taylor?" Ohh I bet this is Niall, well this makes it 10x better!

"This is Pablo." I said in the best mexican voice possible.

"Ummm... Wrong number. Bye!" He hung up and I think I just about laughed my butt off!

Well, That was a good laugh.... Better call him this time and be myself, my sphyco maniac self! I'm pretty creative. I called the number back and he answered.

"Heloo? Is this Pablo again?" Niall asked, might as well tell him who I am.

"No, it's Taylor.. I was pranking you because I really needed a good laugh." I said slightly laughing.

"Oh, OK! I thought you gave me some creep's number!" he sounded worried at first.

"Yeah...." Well this is akward...

He finally cut the silence " so do you want to come to Starbucks and hang out again?"

"Ummm, I can't. I have school, sorry!" I REALLY want to hang out with him today if I didn't have stupid school. CURSE YOU SCHOOL!!!

"umm, it's Saturday.. But I totally understand if you didn't want to hang out today." He said quickly

Well I feel like an idiot... I had no idea it was Saturday!! I seriously want to go now, I have no life.

"You do have a life Taylor, I'll se you at Starbucks in 20 mins?" I'm pretty sure he is smiling like I am right now.

"Sure, 20 mins.. Don't bother picking me up, I got my own ride!" I said trying to sound like a gangster. my ride is pretty sweet!!! I quickly hung up and hopped on my bike. It was purple and had stremers coming out of the handles, a basket in the front, and a pretty pink horn! I look pretty beast!!

20 Mins Later!!


"Alright, time to make an entrace!" I said out loud.

I held my bike to the side of me and kicked the doors open. I walked in bobbin my head to the sound of the soft music playing... Ehh, not the best song but it'll do! I threw my bike down on the tile floor and starting break dancing, if I saw myself I bet I would look pretty wierd. But hey, that's me!!

"Umm, you can't put your bike in here ma'am." The cashier told me

"I can do whatever I want! I have rights! But because I am a nice person, I will put my bike away." I opened the door and threw my bike outside, I didn't lock it because nobody wants that kind of bike.... Except for meee!!

"Oh and Ill have a chocolate frappechino (A.N. I dont care how you spell it!) with a LOT of whipped cream!" I looked around and saw Niall looking at me, he was obviously laughing... oh well!

"Oh my God! You are hilarious!!" He laughed alot while he said that. I'm trying to look serious and I think it's working...

"Why thank you, I don't even try!" Im pretty unique!

"So, did you ever find the dress you were looking for when we first met?" Niall asked referring to why Cassandra and I went shopping in the first place.

"No... Oh crap! I still need a dress and its Monday! I don't even have a date!" I sound pretty worried, stay cool. I already am cool but you know, be cooler! Like ICE COLD! Lolwkasf (if you uncool people didn't know this, it means laughing out loud while keeping a straight face. Lolkwasf! BAM! I just blew your mind!

"Then we are going shopping and I am taking you to the dance with me!" He squealed excitedly. He doesn't need to pay, I have money...

"You don't need to pay for me, I have a job and make my own money." It's true, I work at Starbucks, not this one though... After that little stunt I would have been fired on the spot!

"I insist! Now let's go gurlll!" He grabbed my hand and we threw away our drinks and left.. This is going to be interesting!


Hey guys!! Sorry it took me sooooo long to make this chapter! I was very busy with my dance recital, anyways I will be posting another chapter after this!! Like a double chapter!! Ooooo sounds cool right!? If you wanted to know.. Yes, I am this wierd at school! Also if you wanted to know... Yes, I am fantabulous!

Bye my little muffin budddies!!!

~~~~~~ Taylor! ( I like those squiggle things! :-P) Bacon!

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