Chapter Five

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Taylor's POV


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ughhh.... I hesitantly lift my head of of my comforting pillow and get out of bed. Throwing my alarm clock out of the window, guess I need a new alarm clock. Oh well.Today is the start of what I dread the most... School.

I sluggishly walk over to the bathroom and turn on the shower and radio that is next to it. I mean, everybody sings in the shower once in their whole life right? I hop in and wash my hair and body. I wrap my towel around me and quickly run into my room while making sure I don't trip on the way. It has happened before by the way.

I put on some dark blue skinny jeans and a band t-shirt with a black hoodie over it and some matching black chucks. I add some mascara on my eye lashes but thats it. Like I said, I barely wear makeup.

I hop downstairs and eat some breakfast my mom put out for me before she left for work. I grab my skateboard on the way out the door and ride to school.

Ten minutes later


I finally made it to school and started walking up the steps of Stover High School. I walk the halls trying to mind my own business but Samantha stops me.

"Hey loser. Still wearing those ugly black clothes I see?" I nod looking down at the floor.

"How was your weekend? Did you cry in your bed because you don't have a life?" I don't answer.

"Answer me!" I stay silent while she has an evil smirk on her face. What is she going to do?

"Forget it! At least I don't cut myself like you do! All because of what your dad did, just to cover it up! You are pathetic!" That last word hits me hard, only one other person would call me that, pathetic. That one person is my father, and I will never forgive him for what he did to me and my mother!

I start to walk but I instantly fall on the ground, hitting my knee. HARD. Samantha tripped me. I want to scream in pain but I can't, that shows weakness and I already have enough of that. I carefully get up and make my way to my first class, Gym. Just great! (Note the sarcasm.) Guess who is in my class? You guessed it, Samantha. I also have Cassandra in this class with so I am okay, for now.

"Hey taytay!" Cassandra skipped over to me smiling.

"Hey, Cass. What's up?" I ask trying to hold back a tear from falling. It doesn't work.

"Whyare you crying Taytay?! What did Samantha do?!" Cassandra voice was harsh but caring. She is the only friend I can trust.. she is my only friend. That's right, my only friend. I was homeschooled for most of my life, but then my parents decided that I needed to be more social so they enrolled me in Stover High School. On my first day Samantha walked up to me and was pretty rude, I didn't mind at first though. I thought that it was like an inniciation for joining the sschool, but of course it was not. I've been at this school for four years and everyday I get bullied by Smamntha, I'm glad Cassandra was here for all of those years. We became friends when she defended me during gym after my first month of school, I felt bad because she was once part of the popular group, but apparently she didn't want to be friends with all of the snooty people. She has defended me ever since, and she is my best friend.

"Samantha tripped me and I fell pretty hard on my knee, It really hurts!" I let the tear fall from my cheek, not even caring about who saw.

"Come on, let's go get soe ice from the office." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we walked to the nurse's office. By the time we got back, Gym was over. Now for the rest of the day.

Finally school ended and I was putting my homework into my bookbag when I heard a laugh from far away. Oh Great It's Samantha! (Note the sarcasm)

"Hey loser, I saw you cry earlier. Once again you are pathetic! See you tomorrow!" She flips her hair and walks away. I hate her so much, but I'm afraid to speak up because I don't want to get bullied even more. I hop on my skate board and ride home, at least my knee is better now.

Ten Minutes Later

Finally, Im home and I can see Captain America. Captain America is my bed, he rescues me from the worries of school which means he is my hero. I throw my books down and plop onto my bed, face first. My ringtone went off which means that someone was calling me. I groaned in annoyance and went to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I said slightly tired and annoyed

"Pablo?" Niall said laughing

"yes, dis is Pablo." I said in a voice like l did last time, Niall really knows how to make a girl feel better!

"Well Pablo, would you like to go and hang out at Starbucks?" He laughed lightly


"Im going to pick you up! Text me your adress and I'll be there soon!" I was going to say no to him driving me but he hung up before I could say anything. Boys! I quickly texted him my number and changed clothes.

I heard a knocking at the door and I ran downstairs to open it, tripping on my way. I stumbled to the door and opened it, smiling slightly. I feel my leg trobbing. Just Great! (note the sarcasm) I said in head.

"Hey Pablo!" Niall said at the door

"Hola Niall" I said stepping out of the house and locking the door. Don't want any burglars to come and steal my only two things. My guitar and my Laptop, that's all I had for valuables. We walk to the car and he opens the door for me,it was a very cheesy thing but I blushed. we headed to Starbucks while conversating about anythign that came to mind, he was super funny! Just like me, I'll have to tell him some jokes soon.

The car stops at Starbucks and he opens the door again for me to get out, such a gentleman! We talk for a while before we are at my house. He and I stand outside of the door and I thank him for taking me out to hang. He hugs me and gets in the car. That was unexpected. I run upstairs to get my pajamas on and I walk carefully down the steps and plop down on the couch, turning the telly on. The accent is back again! I love my accent, but sometimes it comes in at the wrong moment. Like when I wasn't being taken seriously and yelled in my accent making everyone laugh at me. I decided to turn the telly off and go to bed.

My phone vibrated signaling that I had a text message

From: Niall my little leprechaun;)

Hey! I was wondering if I could take to you to meet the boys tomorrow? If not that's ok.

To: Niall my little leprechaun;)

Sure! How about right after school? It ends at 3:00 :)

From: Niall my little leprechaun;)

Sounds good! Can't wait you to meet my lads! Night! x

With that, I set my phone and waited for my eyelids to become heavy and drift into a deep sleep.


Hey Guys!! Sorry that it took me song long to update which was about 3 days. So now you know one of Taylor's secrets, she cuts, but for a reason. You will find out the reason soon and you will also know why she has no friends except for Cassandra and Niall, and why she is constantly bullied by Samantha. So Niall is taking Taylor to meet the rest of the gang.. What do you think they are going to think about her when they meet? Also, I am looking for extra people to be in my book. I need about two or three people to be extras. Thanks for reading my little muffin buddies!! Love Ya'll!

~~~~~~ Taytay! (Gonna do a truth or dare chapter soon, inbox me some dares!)

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