Chapter Four

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Taylor's POV


We are now at a prom dress shop. I hate prom dresses! It's not even prom, just a stupid winter formal! He doesn't have to make a big deal about it, I wasn't going to go anyways.

"Here, try this one on!" I opened the

door and grabbed the dress without looking at it, I put it on and it was beautiful. I was blue, strapless, and had rhinestones across the waist. And might I say, I looked B-E-A-U-tiful!

(Dress should be on the side!!)

I walked out of the room and his jaw dropped... Well, I wasn't expecting that!

"Y-you look beautifull!" Niall smiled and I blushed.... No one has aver called me that before, execpt for me. He left for one moment and retruned with a pair of blue high heels with sparkles. Niall bought me the dress and we went shopping for a tuxedo, this time I payed.

"Do you want to get some lunch?" Of course he would be hungry! I smiled.

"Yeah sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Nandos?" Whats Nandos?

"Whats Namdos!? Did you seriously just ask me that!? Nandos is the greatest place in the world! I am offended!" I guess I said that out loud.. He places his hands over his heart dramatically.

I scoff. Drama queen!

"Thats it! Im taking you right now! Let's go!" He takes my wrist and pulls me out of the door, i almost tripped! He could've killed me! Well, it wouldn't really kill me. It would bruise, thats all. I snap out of my thoughts and notice we are in the car. That happened quickly.

A familiar song came on and I looked to my side to see Niall smiling, I listened to the song carefully. It's a one direction song! They are playing The Story of My Life!!! I love this song! I starting belting out to the music while Niall is humming it. The song ends when we pull up to Nandos, coincidence? I think not! Just kidding.. Or am I?

We sat at a booth and waited for our waitress, she was blonde and had cleavage showing.... Ughh! I hate people who do that! Yes, Ill do that every once and a while, but not to the extreme like her. Niall orders for me and she winks at Niall before leaving to get our food.

"You have a wonderful voice by the way, you could be a professional singer one day." I smile and blush, he is so sweet!

"Thanks! It's always been my dream to be a professional singer and dancer. I am quite good at dancing if I must say so myself!" He laughs and a while after our food shows up. I take a bite, and it is AMAZING! The waitress gives us the bill and winks at Niall again, he looks at the tip and sees her number written on it. I take the bill and we walk out, I now that this number will be a good target for prank calling one day!

Soon we are at my house and he walks me to my doorstep. Such a gentleman! We say our goodbyes and I walk into my house, up to my room. I close the door and lock it, sliding down to the carpet.

What a magical day!


Hey my little muffin buddies! Sorry this chapter isn't as good as it should be! I had writers block, CURSE YOU WRITERS BLOCK! I HOPE YOU DIE! (Not you of course, the writers block... Duh!)

Im making another chapter right now! I will try to add more drama, and maybe you will see whats school is like for Taylor... *wink wink wink wink wink* okay enough of that stuff!! Bye!

p.s. I love cotton candy an bacon!!

~~~~ Taytay or Taylor, I don't really care!

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