Chapter Ten

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"I dare you to dye your hair red! And you have to run around like a maniac screaming random things about us!" Louis said almost proudly.

My mouth was hung open in shock because of me having to dye my hair red, but it was replaced with a grin. He never said that I had to say nice things about them!

"Okay! But when do I dye my hair?" I asked.

"Right now!" Louis said/screamed right next to my ear. I swear, he is going to be the reason I go deaf!

"Fine." I grumbled standing up while they sat there looking at me. "Why are you all staring me?"

"You know you don't have to do this right?" Liam said/asked

"I don't really care, it seems kinda fun, so why not try it?" I said enthusiastically

"Alright, then lets go. Everybody in the car." Liam said while helping everybody up.

"Oh and I get to pick the color!" Louis cheered. I bet I'm going to look like a tomato head after this.

"God please help me." I muttered under my breath. Apparently Niall heard because he just started laughing, earning weird looks from the lads.


As we walked into Sally's Salon, I was nervous. I have to dye my hair red and worst of all, Louis was picking out the shade. Louis called once we were in the car and made an appointment for me.

Once we walked in, I was immediately seated in a salon chair. The lady started asking me questions and I motioned Louis to come over and talk to her. They both had a conversation in the corner of the room before she went into another room and came back with a pink object in her hand.

The pink object was a bandana and at first I was confused, but after I figured that Louis was making her blindfold me so I wont see.


"Are you ready guys?" The hair lady asked us all. I guess the boys didn't want to see what it looked like until after, so they focused on other things. I felt the blindfold being pulled off and my eyes adjusted to the lighting before I saw myself.

I look like a different person right now! Louis did a great job on picking the colour and the stylist did a perfect job on curling it to perfection for me.

"Oh my gosh guys, I love it!" I squealed, jumping up from my chair and hugging all the boys and the stylist. We all walked up to the cash register and payed for everything, I thanked the stylist again and we walked out of the little store in the mall.

"Alright, I thought that since your hair is different we could give you a complete makeover." Louis said with a smile.

"But I hate shopping!" I whine.

"Too bad!" Louis literally dragged me into Rue 21. Next thing you know im in the car. I guess I was in another world while he threw clothes at me all day. Im not really sure what I got but I'll find out when I get inside my house.

We pulled up to my house and I hugged them and said goodbye. I watched their car drive away until I couldn't see the headlights in the distance anymore and went inside.

Once inside I heard muffled cries and got worried instantly.

Running up the stairs I followed the cries to my mothers door and quietly twisted the knob and peeked in. My eyes practically came out of their sockets at the sight.

My mother was on the ground whimpering in pain, but what scared me the most was the person next to her.

My Father

Questions were swarming my mind like flies.

Why is he here?

How did he get here?

I thought he was in jail for like three more years?

And most importantly,

What is he going to do to me and my mother now that he's back?

I was snapped out of my trance when I noticed my father coming towards the door slowly.

I tried to get away but I didn't react quickly enough. He jerked open the door with a force I thought would break the hinges, and pulled me inside the room. Before I knew it he was abusing me like no tomorrow, yelling things at me, but I was too shocked to even hear.

One last kick and I was on the ground, my vision going blurry until I saw nothing but blackness. Im pretty sure I'm not dead, just knocked out from the beatings.

All I know is that now he's here, Im pretty sure he's here to stay.

And I was right.

•••••••One Week Later•••••••

It's been one week since my dad came back. One week since Ive talked to the boys. One week since I've gone outside or socialized with anyone. All I do now is go to school, come home, and wait for the beatings to arrive so I'm knocked out again.

The only way I know I'm safe is when I'm knocked out. Its my dream world where I wish for everything to go away, to just dissappear.

I've tried to stay strong, but I can't anymore. The physical and emotional pain is too much to bear, and I'm afraid I'm going to crack.

The thing is, I already have. Now I'm about to find a way to release the pain, release the anger, the stress, everything.

I pull the blade out of the drawer in my bathroom, and stare down it.


Sorry it took me awhile two update and everything, so Im going to have a double update today.

Thanks for being my fans and everything, I love you all sooo much! I've been planning my birthday and everything. Its July 16th, and my friend maddie called me a very funny name cause its the same day as Luke Hemmings, Theo Horan, Louis Girlfriend, and Will Ferrell (idk how to spell it).

If you can, please read my other story and the authors note at the end of my new chapter. It would mean alot :)

Anyways, thanks for reading! Love my editor too! 😘

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