2 vs. 1

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"Is she alive?" a little boy asked

"I dont know, poke her" another voice whispered

"I cant.. just poke her"

The cold morning breezed made my skin shiver as the sun rose to my face as it shinned on my face. I had an excruciating headache that caused me to be discombobulated, no recollection came to mind as I tried to think of lastnight. I looked up to see where the voices came. Two boys who looked 13, came in to my vision. Wait a second!

"She's awake!" The boy with shaggy hair murmured to the little blonde haired boy

"Where am I?" My voice came out groggy

"Miss, you know your in a park down town and your clothes are missing" Well isn't he just a blunt little boy.

" Give her yoursweater Liam" I slowly got up, pissed at myself for going outside and taking that walk & of course I jinxed myself.

"Here you go" Liam said, handing his sweater. Thank god, I was small and not as tall. The boys sweater fits me like a mini dress. I grabbed his sweater and pulled it over my neck and tried stretching it.

"Uh thanks, I really appreciate it" I gave a weak smile

"Liam & Josh hurry up" a older voice came in. And might I add he sounds hot. I turned around to see a guy who looks like a Abercrombie & Fitch model, I was star struck.

Get a hold of your self, you look like shit.

Well thanks for the confidence, any more negatives about me?

No, I think I summed it up in one word.

Is it even possible to have a arguement with yourself? Because if it is I get those A LOT.

"We found her laying down here Roman" Josh said to Roman. I started getting self-concious due to the fact that the kids seen me ALMOST naked and I most likely look like crap.

You look like shit actually

OK, Shit. UGHH, anyways back to what I was saying. HE'S STARRING AT ME TOO. I can't read his experssion but he's probably thinking "Wow, What a bum" or "What a slut". Why do the worst / weird things happen to me??

"Are you ok ..." His voice expressed concerned.

SPEAK dummy

"Athena and yeah, I will be"

"Im Roman by the way, Liams older brother" He extended his hand out but I was hesitant. I shook his hand and all of a sudden flashbacks of him came to my mind, when he was in jail. Another flashback came its before he went to jail, its the reason.

He was at the liquor store, then two guys in mask and one without came in shooting the place, and shot the store clerk. But the guy without somewhat resembled him. He was just a by stander, wrong place at the wrong time. Poor Roman, was falsly accused for something he didn't do.

"Your innocent" crap, where in the hell did that come from.

"Excuse me?" You can tell he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Nothing I have to get going" I started walking 20 feet in realization Im in downtown and I don't know where im going. "Dammit!"

"I usually don't offer strange people who wears a batman sweater and apparently wake up in parks but I guess you can be an exception" I turn around to see he has a half smile.

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