Fight or Flight

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Sorry once I got back home I had graduation stuff to do. But I hope you enjoy this I will be posting one up tomorrow.


Enjoy :)


Its weird, I wake up feeling so refreshed and happy and crazy thing is I had a nightmare. It was about me killing some dude in a hotel. Crazy! Right? And usually I don't feel this way, I always tend to be exhausted. But not today, I feel better than ever.

I decided to eat today, I walked towards the kitchen thinking of how happy I am for no reason. As soon as I walked in Mia, Luke, Roman, Lisa and some other people who I don't know just stared at me. I stopped in my tracks, looking at each of there faces. Wondering why they are looking at me.

I shook my head and decided to eat some Yoplait. This was the first time I actually had food well something light. I turned around and yet i'm still being stared at.

I don't mind a simple look but when someone actually STARES, its irritating to me.

"Do I have something written on my face or something..?" No one spoke up yet, everyone just sat there in silences, looking.

Five minutes laater, I believe Mia speaks up "Are you on drugs or something?" She had this look that said "Is that my Bestfriend".

"No, why would I be?"

"You look and seem different" Luke spoke up and had an unreadable expression

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Part of me was hoping it was because the way they said it made me think it wasn't. This is just bizzare because I would be more self-conscious right now than I would ever be. Including my embarassing moment in the fifth grade when I had a solo in our music show and threw up practically everywhere. But right now, im not bothered just curious.

I dedicided to walk to livingroom and sat down on the couch, flipping threw the channels. My mind went blank when I suddenly turned back and reached for the hand that was behind me.

A flood of memories came to my head within a blink. All of those memories belonged to Mia. I relived her life within seconds, felt the pain, struggle and the happiness... The one that stood out to me was a memory from two days ago, when she went out on her date with James. But now he's gone.

My eyes widened and released her hand, I looked to see her wrist and I realized my hand had a strong gripped.

"What the hell was that" Mia barked, she was rubbing her right hand and looked at me puzzled and somewhat taken back. Without a word I just got up and headed to the Fort, they made that was by the garden.

The fort was a two story, I wouldn't call it a fort but more like a miniature home or poolhouse I guess. It had a bedroom, livingroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and even a exercise room. It was made to be cozy and a chillroom. It had pictures of us when we were kids.

I walked to the one of the pictures that hung up on the wall; where it's Luke, Mia, and some guy with his arm around me, when we were kids. I looked closely to see who it was; it was this fragile dorky boy, who had glasses and acne on his face, but his features were strong. Why can't I remember him? Think ! This is frustrating not being able to remember someone who you take a picture with.

"That one has always been my favorite" I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Roman smiling.

"That was you!" The way I said it sounded like if I was disgusted or something. "I didn't mean to say it that way, sorry."

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