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I continue to look down at the plate when I ate. When I was finished, I grabbed the tray walking over to the trash can. Min came back to the table and I looked up to see Rose. "Y/N I like you to meet Rose." She says. I look at Rose. "Hi Rose." I say giving her a small smile. "Hey." Giving me a smile back. "Nice to meet you but I have to go back to friends. I see you two around." She waves and walks back over to her friends. "What did you say to her Min." I say looking at her. "I just said your new and you both be in the same class. I asked her if she could show you around." She says. "That's not going to help me." I groan. "Oh, it will don't worry." She says smiling and sits down to finish her lunch. "I'm going to the dorm." I say grabbing my bag. I walk out of the canteen remembering where my dorm was. I got to the door and opened it to see a boy sitting on Min's bed. "Oh, sorry I wasn't expecting anyone to be here." I say. "It's alright, I'm Vernon. I'm Min younger brother." He says standing up. We hand shake. "So you're the new roommate." He smiles at me. I nod. "Where are you from?" he asks. "Australia." "Ah cool, you have a Aussie accent." He smiles. I nod. "That's cool, we have a lot foreigner students but they stay in the foreigner building." He says. "How come I'm not there?" I ask him. "Currently full up I think" he says starching his chin. Min comes in. "Ah you met my annoying brother then." "I did." I say smiling. "Hey I'm not annoying." "Hm yeah your now following me around here on campus. Vernon is a freshman just like you Y/N." Min says. "Ah cool, hey Y/N want to go to a freshman party with me and Min?" Vernon askes me. "Sure why not." I say smiling. Min and I changed when Vernon went outside. Finished getting ready, Min grabbed for me. "Vernon and I will mind you at the party since you don't your whereabouts yet." Smiling at me. I quietly say thank you.

We walk out of the bedroom, Vernon stood up straight. "Looking good girls, ready?" he says. We both nod and the three of us walk downstairs to the party. The party was at one of the sorority buildings, the girls one. "Can we just walk in not been members?" I ask. "It's a public party so they won't care," Min says. We walk into the loud music and seeing piles of people everyone, we had to push through to get to the kitchen to get a drink. Vernon handed me a beer. "I say stick to a beer and no spirits." He says smiling. I thank him and we walk around near the steps. We talk when Min said she be right back, I thought I see her walking after a girl. I take a sip of my beer and there she was. Rose just entering the front door with her three friends. She looks up the stairs making eye contact me. Vernon on the other just waved at her and shouted hello. I nudge Vernon. "Stop it, Vernon." "Huh? What I'm waving at the girl in the front." He says. "I know her, Rose," I say. "You do?" he turns to me excitedly. "So you know she's like one of the popular and hottest girls in our year." He says. "I also was once her friend," I said look down at my cup drinking the rest of it in one. "I am back, want another beer?" I ask him. He nods. I stand up and walk past Rose heading to the kitchen. I pour two beers in our previous cup. I turn around and bump into someone. "HEY WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING." Says the girl. "Well sorry I didn't see you coming behind me. It's not my fault I didn't see you coming." I spat. Looking up to see it was Rose I bumped into. "No need to be salty." She says. "Right, well excuse me." I say walking past her getting back to the stairs to see no sign of Vernon. I sigh and sit on the steps putting one cup down. "Hey. I'm sorry I bumped to you." Rose says sitting next to me. "My fault." I mumble. "No it wasn't." "You know I used to know you before." I say looking down in my cup. "Oh?" "We were best friends. I know Min said my first name but I don't know if you remember me. I'm Y/N L/N from Australia." 

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