Dinner at canteen

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Your POV:

It's been a few weeks settling into college and finding my way around the University and campus. I made a lot of friends from my course and joining a few college clubs in music and soccer. After a long day of lectures and classes, I drag myself up to my dorm, seeing Min sitting there with a brunette girl on her bed. "Ah Y/N, this is a friend, Suzy," Min says. I introduce myself to Suzy and sat on my bed pulling out my laptop turning it on to see Girl's Generation were going to performing at our college for May's festival. I would scream if I was on my own but course Min and Suzy would think I was weird. I pull out my phone deciding to text Rose about it since we were both big fans of them.


Rose: It's only October Y/N, they wouldn't announce it now.

Me: Insert's link, then read this then

A few minutes later

Rose: this could be a joke look at the name of the website


I frowned.

Me: I thought it was real *cry emoji*

Rose: Sorry boo, you doing anything right now?

Me: No, just sitting in my dorm, Min has a friend over. A girl called Suzy.

Rose: Oh Min's girlfriend.

Me: wait for what, Min is gay? and Suzy is her girlfriend what

Rose: God your so slow Y/N. Min runs the LGBT Club here on campus

Me: I never knew that! She never told me.

Rose: Idiot

Me: I ain't idiot girl

Rose: Whatever, you doing anything?

Me: No, I was going to get food in the canteen. Want to join me?

Rose: Sure, want to meet me at the front?

Me: Sure I get changed. I see you soon

I get changed into more comfortable clothes

I walk downstair to see Rose in something similar but wearing a black woolly jumper.

I walk downstair to see Rose in something similar but wearing a black woolly jumper

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 "Hey," I say. "Hi." she gives me one of those smiles I love. "You ready?" I ask her. She nods, we link arms heading to the nearest Canteen. We bought our food and sat down. "Honestly for $2 dollars getting two sides, a drink and main are pretty good." say's Rose. I nod smiling. She looked cute eating. "So anyone caught your eye?" "Meaning crush wise your asking?" I smile. "Yeah duh." smiling. "I got an eye on someone but honestly not sure if they like me back, to be honest," I say. "Oh do tell me?" She sit's up listening. " Well it's..."

To be continued :P


A/N: I'm evil! Lol but let's appericate this sexy lady below. Hella she make's me very gay btw lol Hope your enjoying the story so far! If you want anyone from KPOP bands or members in the story let me know by messaging me or commenting! Love <3 Sx

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