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Your POV:

Sitting there looking at the book. I should be writing my essay for class but I just kept thinking of Rose giving the boy her number. I wanted it to be him getting her number and taking her out. Next thing I hear the door bang.

"Hey Y/N. You okay?"

"Hmmm.." I say. I don't even look up to see it is.

"Are you okay?" they repeat again.

"Oh yeah." I say looking up to see Min. "You don't look it girl. Come on tell me what's going on." she  says pulling me to her bed. I sigh and break down. "I been holding these feelings for such a long time." I sniffle. "I have feelings for Rose, since I was kid Min. I want to be that one she going out with holding hands looking cute." I say sighing. "Why don't you tell her." rubbing my back comforting me. "I highly doubt  that Min, she's straight I ain't" I say. "So what you going to do?" "Good question." I say.

A couple of days later.

I look at Rose with the boy from a couple of days. I grab Min arm when we went for dinner. "I hate my life." I say. "Girl you need to stop moping around and sort yourself out." She says. "Come on we going to shopping and there's another party we can go to and dress up and slay those bitches." she says smirking. After shopping we get dressed.

Min's outfit

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Min's outfit

Option A

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Option A

Option A

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Option B

We grab a taxi heading to the party, party was packed and we both grab drinks sipping on it. We decide to go and dancing. Dancing to some kpop which everyone was dancing to it. Then out of nowhere I see that red head I been trying avoid. "MIN" I shout I point to Rose. "Your time is now!" She shouts.

 "Your time is now!" She shouts

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I get pushed to Rose. I kept thinking shit shit shit what am I going to do. She see's me giving me a small smile. I grab her hand taking her to a room closes the door..

"Okay Rose you need to here this from me, please don't interrupt me because I will forget my words." gulping. "Rose since we were kids when you and your family left. A part of me left too. I always wanted to keep been friends with you. And since we reunited again. Feelings have returned. Rose I have liked you more than a friend for a long time. And I don't know if you know this but I'm gay very gay and I liked you since we were kids." I finish off taking a breath.

She looks at me. "You kept this all this time since you been here in South Korea." she says.  I just nod. She comes over hugging me. I freeze. "Um so you okay with this or?" I say. She grabs my head with her two hands and kisses me. I couldn't function and my brain remembers what to do and kisses back. "I liked you too Y/N." she says. I smile kissing her back. "Thank god." I say she giggles and hugs me.

A/N: So yes I know finally since February I'm sorry! But I hoped you liked the book! <3 I might do another when I get more ideas!

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