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Chapter 6:

After our classes finished up, I decided to get a box of chocolates, a flower to say sorry to Jennie. "Would she over react if she sees me?" I ask Rose. "I honestly don't know but fingers crossed she won't be." Rose leads me to the dorm, she told me stay outside until she tells me to follow her. She goes into the dorm door closing it quietly. "Jennie." Rose says. "What." She says sitting up from her bed, she looked terrible wearing her oversized hoodie. Hair all over the place, and not herself. "There is someone here to see you." "What?" she knocks the door which meant it was my time to come in. I slowly and carefully walked in. "Jennie, I came to say sorry about this morning. Please accept theses some gestures and I will leave you in peace." I say slightly bowing my head trying not to look at her, to be totally honest I was scared of Jennie would do.

Jennie gets up from the bed, gently takes the flower and chocolates. "Apology accepted and sorry for slapping you. The angry overtook me." She says quietly. I just nod. "Can we restart and try to be friends? I'm not trying to take Rose from you, I just haven't seen her since we were kids." I say looking at her. She nods. "Okay." She pulls out her hand and we handshake to it. "Okay this is kind of getting weird." I joke. Jennie smiles. "Want to order food and watch movies with me and Rose?" I nod. "Sure but can I invite my roommate? I kind of left her hanging at the party the other night." "She's welcome to come." She says. "Okay cool I just give her a text." Within less damn 10 minutes Min appeared out breath, "Sorry I ran here because it began to rain." I looked out the window to see the heavy rain. "Ah the food delivery be late then." Say Jennie. We all decided to see what was on Netflix to watch. We decided to go for Kingsmen since I love spy movies. We all sat on the bed, I was inbetween Rose and Jennie both cuddling each side of me. Do they both like me?

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