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Ring I hit my alarm seeing it's half six in the morning, I groan I get up getting dressed for breakfast and class. I pack all my books and laptop into my bag.

I head down to the canteen buying some food, heading to class early. I sit there getting my laptop set up and notes ready, eventually, everybody comes in. Rose and Lisa sit beside. Looking at our notes from our previous class. "Project coming up," Lisa says. "Fun," I say. Our lecturer comes in and begins the class. After that we deiced to get some lunch, we decided to meet up with Jennie.

We walk in twos. Jennie and Lisa were ahead of me and Rose, Rose link my arm. "So this crush you were on about." She says. I gulp. " I don't have one," I say. "Oh come on, I saw that face you make when you have a crush on someone. Remember you had that crush on that Ryan boy." Rose says giggling. "Oh him, guess what he's now gay so he's on the market for me," I say laughing. We walk into the canteen, after buying our food we all sit down.

After eating I see Rose looking over at a group of boys, same age as us. One boy gets pushed off his seat, he stands up straighten himself up before walking over to our table. "Hello, sorry to bother you girls but my friends dared me to ask you out." He says to Rose. "Oh wow um, I don't know what to say," Rose says getting flustered. "My name is Jungkook." The boy says shyly. "Nice to meet you I'm Rose. This is Min, Jennie and Y/N." Rose introduces us to him we give him a small smile. "Nice to meet you. So I just need a phone number and I leave you all alone." He says scratching the back of his neck.. Rose quickly scribbles her phone number handing it to us. "Here you go." She says giving him a smile. "Thank you, Rose." He bows and smiles before walking about to his table. I could hear cheers from the boys celebrating his victory. I roll my eyes.

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