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Your pov:
Waking to another day if of college but realised it's Friday so I have the weekend with rose to be excited.
I get up changed into comfy clothes to go to morning classes. I head down to the canteen eating quickly before heading to class seeing rose beat me to it to our seats.
I peck her cheek, "morning beautiful' I whisper. 'Hey' giving me one of her usual cute smiles. 'Happy Friday' I smile. 'You too. Have you planned anything for us this weekend.' She asked. 'Yup. Going to be fun as we need to distress from our finals.' I sat closer. 'Of course.' She says squeezing my hand. 'I'm excited.' She says. I smile and see our lecturer arrived early.

After classes I meet at min in our dorm dancing to the song (above)
I sing back 'hello you there' using the ring ring hand movement. "Why you in such a good mood." Min asks. "Have planned a ton of cool things to do with rose this weekend." I say smiling proudly. 'But are you going to announce your relationship with everyone. It's still a secret." Min says worried. I look down.
"I want to but I'm afford everyone's thoughts of us. We probably get disgusted looks. I know it's now as open as it is in western side but love is love." I say. Min puts her hand on my shoulder. " I'm on your side never forget that." She says squeezing my shoulder. "Thank you giving her a hug."

I get up early seeing min sleeping.  I quietly dress and head down for breakfast. After breakfast I meet rose outside the amusement park close to our campus. "Hey!" I smiling. "Hello there." She says smiling I hold my hand. "Shall we." She grabs my hand intertwining our fingers. We walk into the park go on a couple of the rides  one of the rides was playing the little mix song only you. I began humming to it.

We get Cotten candy and ice cream eating it watching people go by. "I'm enjoying our day so far." Rose says. "Me too." We finished eating and heading on a mini roller coaster screaming our lungs out as we were both scared. After we played some arcade games. I let her win because I'm a gentlewoman.

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