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Chapter 5:

Well after Jennie slapped me, I just sat back down and began to eat my breakfast in silence. "Y/n?" I look up to see Rose slightly worried. "You okay?" "Yeah, I think I just stepped over the line with Jennie." I say. "Anyway I better get going, I have to get ready for class." They nod and say goodbye to them. I walk into my dorm room to see Min packing. "Ah you finally came back, whoa what happened to your face." She walks over expecting my face, "Jennie happened. I might've gotten her mad and slapped me in the face in front of everyone." I say walking over to my bed grabbing my backpack and filling it with my laptop, notepad, pens and a bottle water. "I go and talk to Jennie after classes." I say to Min. "Good. I have to go to class I see you later." She says giving me a wave, I vip my bag, grab a baseball cap and walk out to find my class.

With asking a few students to help me with their directions I found my way in my classroom and was the first which I was really surprised. I decided to sit the fourth row so I would be able to hear my lecturer. I pull out my stuff and wait, eventually, people began to come as well as Rose. She see's me and sit's next to me. "Hey." "Hey, oh so which dorm does Jennie stay at?" "With me why?" "I want to say sorry I say. "Oh, I take you to see her after our classes." "Thanks." With that our lecturer came in beginning class.

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