Welcome to Heaven

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   Passing through the gates sent a shiver through GenTwo's body. She felt as if someone had poured cold water on her, except the feeling was in her bones rather than on her skin. Yet, when she made it on the other side, she was both dry and very warm, quite the change from the Holding Plane's perpetual coldness.

   She opened her eyes, and then immediately closed them again from how bright everything was. It hadn't hurt her eyes; the reaction was automatic. Before she had a chance to open them more slowly, her eyes snapped open at a crushing hug that nearly toppled her over.

   The person she was receiving this hug from was just a bit taller than her, so they must have been around the same age. Other than that, GenTwo wasn't at the best angle to get a good look at her, let alone process what she looked like. She was too busy being smothered and terrified. What made it worse was the girl's incessant jumping and squealing. Luckily, Anntoinette was there to save her.

   "Um, Lilitha, maybe you should give GenTwo some space. Or at least some breathing room?"

   Lilitha, apparently, let go immediately and held GenTwo's shoulders at arm's length. Her platinum blonde hair was cropped no farther than her chin and out of it stuck big, long ears that sort of looked like a Kaiara's if they were placed on the sides of the head instead of the top. GenTwo assumed she was a hybrid of some sort, for she'd never seen that particular combination of features before. Lilitha's ears drooped slightly and her huge violet eyes were now filled with concern. "Oh, I'm sorry, GenTwo!" she said in a voice that reminded GenTwo of a squeaky toy. "It's just that I don't know any kids my age here, so when I heard there was gonna be another Angel-in-training, I got SOOOO excited!"

   GenTwo raised an eyebrow. Another? This girl was gonna be an Angel, too? She cringed at the thought of having to be around her, let alone live with her.

   Lilitha's faced formed a giant smile that GenTwo wasn't sure was supposed to be physically possible. Said smile revealed a mess of teeth jutting from various parts of her gums. Flat, plant-eating teeth were jumbled together with sharp, carnivorous teeth with no organization to speak of. GenTwo thought it best to avoid looking her in the mouth.

   Lilitha finally let go of GenTwo and began to bounce up and down excitedly. "Oh, I'm so happy! We're gonna become Angels and travel across the world and save everyone and live together and be BEST FRIENDS!" She threw her hands in the air with great passion. "Come on!" she said, grabbing GenTwo by the wrist. "We'll show you the palace!"

   She then proceeded to practically drag GenTwo down the streets of Heaven, Anntoinette following closely behind. GenTwo hadn't been given enough time to form a single question throughout the entire ordeal. She couldn't even see anything more than blurs of color, Lilitha was pulling her along so quickly. She was partially sure her shoulder would be dislocated by the end of it.

   When the ride was finally over, GenTwo took a few seconds to catch her breath, simply staring at the shimmery, silver ground. She tensed up as Anntoinette put a hand on her shoulder.

   "GenTwo," she said, "Welcome to the Palace of the Guardian Angels."

   GenTwo looked up, and the sight that greeted her made her breath catch. Before her stood a gigantic palace, so tall she could barely make out its highest spire. It gleamed in the sun and appeared to be made out of a rainbow of crystal. It looked like one big multicolored castle-shaped gemstone. Actually, now that she had a chance to get a good look at her surroundings, everything appeared to be made of crystal, precious metals, and everything else that was shiny. Even the sky was covered with stars that somehow weren't outshone by the sun like they should have been, making the sky look like someone had spilled glitter on it. It was as if the word "sparkle" had taken the form of a place. 

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