Four: Don't Give Up

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The nurses have been back and forth between Alex's room and the desk. I guess he is getting worse. Nothing they are doing is helping him. As I sit in the chair beside his bed, I chew my finger nails nervously. I'm a mess, surely not as bad as he is, but for being capable of fixing myself up, I look like shit. I feel bad for Alex. Not only because of the condition he is in, but because not even his dad has visited him lately. I understand the fact that his dad works, but there is no excuse to not come see your dying son.

"Miss y/L/n?" I was startled by a nurse as I didn't notice her walk in. "I'm sorry if I frightened you. Alex's doctor just told me to inform you about Alex." The lady had a frown smeared across her face. As if bad news were about to come.

"Continue." I said, too scared to say more.

"He wanted me to inform you that even if Alex were to survive, and the possibility of him surviving is quite low, he wouldn't remember anything. Not you or anyone else. Most likely not even his dad. But there is a slight chance he will remember." She told me, causing my heart to race.

"So.. There's no point for me to even try?" I question, my voice sounding gloomy. The nurse nodded her head in response. I glance at Alex then back at her. "I'm still planning on staying. I'm not going to leave just from hearing that. If there is still a possibility, I refuse to leave." I added, not caring if I offend her.

"That's okay with us Miss Y/L/N. As long as you don't disturb the other patients." The nurse smiled slightly. I nodded my head and looked at Alex as she closed the door in the process of leaving.

I decided to speak to Alex one last time for the night. Until the doctors check on him tomorrow. Until the doctors decide whether or not to pull the plug on trying to save him from dying. I look at Alex, his pale porcelain complexion seemed more dull than it ever has. The bags beneath his eyes resembled black and blue marks. Little blotches of his dyed blonde hair seeped through small, uncovered spots where they didn't cover up with gauze. Memories of his smile, of his laughter roamed through my mind as I thought about what I should say.

I took a deep, heavy breath before finally speaking. "We haven't talked in a while... About a month or two now." I started as I chewed the skin off my lip. "When I first met you, back in middle school, I was losing friend after friend. So I was glad when you decided to force on a friendship. We were instantly, without argument, best friends. And since it was your idea to become friends, I thought maybe you wouldn't leave me like the others have." I shook my head once I realized that the whole time I was talking, I barely made any sense. 

I rub my eyes as they started to tear up. "I'm sorry. I'm not making much sense. But I guess I'm trying to say that you are my best friend. My forever best friend. And if you leave... There's a chance I'll leave too. You're all I have Alex.. All I want.. All I need. And with out you here, I don't want to be here either. So what never choice you make, I'll make the same one." I finished, crawling up in the bed beside him. He didn't move, he didn't speak. But again, he was still alive. I rested my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beat. Which also became the sound I fell in love with. I look up at him then said one more thing, "please don't give up." I blinked slowly before kissing his chin. "Please."


I hope you guys are all enjoying my story. It seems like it's all going down hill since number one. But thanks for the res that are keeping me motivated. 💖 love you all

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