Six: Alex

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**Alex's POV**

I felt my eyes twitch as my head pounded intensely. I couldn't open my eyes as instant as usual. I hear a girl talking, the voice doesn't sound familiar. I made it my goal to find out who it was, and why they were around me. I forced my eyes opened and they fluttered repeatedly for a moment until they got used to the lighting.

I noticed I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. I was in a hospital room. IV's were all throughout my upper body. What happened? Why am I here?

"I'm not leaving," I heard the feminine voice speak once again. Her voice sounded as if she was an angel. I focused my eyes on the petite girl that sat at the foot of the bed and she instantly looked back at me. The only thing going through my head right now is who in the hell are these people. And why are they in my room? "Hi Alex," the girl added, smiling at me as if I was a Little newborn baby.

"Who are you?" I questioned, very curious about who they are and why I'm here. I kept eye contact with the girl for another minute or two before looking around, examining the room. She didn't speak, neither did the guy. I felt an awkward tension, but I didn't say a word.

"Are you okay?" The guy questioned me. I slowly focused my attention on him. He was tall, bulky, and had a tan complexion. I still don't know who he is.

"I think so," I nod slightly causing more pain to rush through my head. In reaction to the pain, I pressed my finger tips against both temples. I felt a weird cloth around my temples. I pull on it and it starts to come off.

"No Alex!" The girl vastly spoke. She reached up and swatted my hands away from the cloth. "You gotta keep that around your head."

"Why? It's just a cloth." I asked her, examining the girl from head to toe since she was closer now.

"They're gauze. It's just managing to protect the wound on.. In? Your head." The girl explained. I still am quite confused about why there are gauze. I don't feel anything wrong with my head besides the fact that I have a major headache. "Dad, go get his doctor. They should probably know that he's awake." she spoke the guy who stood at the door frame.

The man nodded his head before leaving. I look back at the girl who was already looking back at me. "Do you mind telling me who you are and why you're in here with me?" I questioned. The girl looked as if she was deep in thought. She then looked at me, but she still hasn't answered. "Please answer."

"My names y/n.. I'm the daughter of one of the doctors." She finally answered, a frown appearing across her face.

"Since you're the doctor's daughter..." I trailed off for a moment as she continued to look at me. "Do you know what happened? Why I'm here?"

Y/n nodded her head slightly, looking down at her feet. "You kinda... You kind of shot yourself in the head." She informed me. Her voice was upsetting. I was too in shock to speak. To respond. Why in the fuck would I do that?

The room was silent until y/n's dad walked in with another doctor. They both looked at me as if they've seen a ghost. "You're alive?" The doctor asked, seeming quite surprised. I nodded slowly before he glanced over at Y/n's dad. "He's having slow reaction times."

"What? No I'm not." I shake my head instantly, denying the doctors words.

"He's actually talking a lot... Somewhat." Y/n commented. "He's asking lots of questions."

"We should call his father." The doctor said looking back at me. "But y/n, you and your father should leave. Deputy Standall didn't want you here in the first place. He wouldn't be so happy if he got here and you are in here with Alex." He informed y/n.

"That's ridiculous.." She spoke.

"Not meaning to sound rude but, why would you care? I mean, all you are is one of my doctors daughters." I asked her. Y/n refused to look at me. I probably offended her. Most likely.

"Fine.. Lets go dad." Y/n said, standing to her feet. I watched her carefully as her and her dad both left, not saying a word. I feel bad. I must have hurt her feelings. At least a little bit. Did she really want to be here?

"I'll try hard to get a hold of your father. But knowing him, he won't answer."

I nodded slightly, looking out the window. The stars shined bright.  So bright it caused a smile to appear across my face. I look at the stars and I feel like nothing else matters. Just as if there were no problems in the world. As if it was just me and the stars. But looking at them felt somewhat different. It feels like someone is supposed to be here with me. By my side. I just have no idea who.

*Y/n pov*

I opened the car door and got into the passenger seat as dad got into the drivers. We both buckled up after he started the car, driving off. I rest my head against the seat and sigh heavily. I looked out my side window at the stars that flowed amazingly. But for some reason, they didn't excite me like usual.

"Dad.." I spoke.

"Yeah?" He said in a questionable tone of voice. He kept his eyes glued to the road.

"He doesn't remember me." I said in a sad tone of voice. Tears formed in my eyes. "He wants nothing to do with me."

"I understand sweetheart. You just have to give him time. He'll come around." dad informed me. I shake my head as my tears escape. I cover my face with both hands.

"No he won't dad." I said in between cries. "His dad won't let me around him. He's leaving."

"He won't be let go out of the hospital for a few weeks. I'll take you to see him tomorrow. I'll take you to see him until he has to go home."

"Really?" I question, looking over at him.

"Of course."

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