We need a plan about velocity he's back said Cisco looking a a computer. I've go a plan said Barry,"me and Quicksilver run around in the particle Excelerator and then launch a hydrogen proton and then we merge. No!said everyone except Quicksilver. We have to said Barry and Quicksilver at the same time and they run to the particle Excelerator for the last time before merging
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They get there and Barry puts on his mask and they start running around the particle Excelerator in opposite directions passing each other then Barry said over the coms do it now and they launched the hydrogen proton. BOOM!!!!! Everyone was looking at the computer trying to see Barry or Quicksilver then suddenly he ran into the cortex
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And his suit was red with a silver lightning bolt across the chest and on the arms and legs. Who are you said Cisco,"I'm flashsilver " and then he took of his mask and it was Barry but he had white-silver hair do you know who me are said Cisco,yes I have the memory's of Barry and Quicksilver but I'm still Barry guys"said Barry. Now I'm as fast and the speed of light said flashsilver.
Hi guys hoped like my twist and there will be lots more soon. Please comment and follow.