It had been ten years since flashsilver stopped velocity but five years ago the team split up and went there separate ways Hr and Jesse went back to earth2,jay went back to earth3 and wally is still helping central city with joe and iris,Cisco is doing his own thing and catlin is killer frost. Barry was sat there in star labs(abandoned) then he got so angry because he was watching the news and it said"flashsilver is gone and kidflash is here" Barry was so angry he ran just ran then suddenly he was thrust into the speed force and there was a voice saying you have been chosen Barry because you are so fast and going to become faster we the speed force are giving you dipped force armour but Barry was angry so he ran out the speed force but he was running so fast is burnt his face on one half
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he fell to the ground screaming then he got back up and ran back into the speed force and the gave him a suit and Barry said my name is SAVITAR!!!!!!
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savitar ran back to star labs and stood in the middle of the cortex and said I'm got to kill all my old team.