Behind Closed Doors

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"Oh my gosh, Celestine! I can't help, but envy how loyal you are to the covenant. A true good daughter." Marsha gushed,

I smiled politely and thanked her for the compliment. Sunday's at church were always filled with conversations like this. Being the daughter of a priest, I've had no choice, but to attend church from since young and even though I was in my late-twenties, I still had to attend.

"But of course Marsha, she is my daughter afterall, I raised her perfectly." My mother cut in with a proud look plastered on her face.

A snort nearly escaped my lips and I quickly covered it with a cough.

"If you ladies would please excuse me I'd like to use the bathroom." I stated and quickly walked away.

Once in the security of the empty bathroom I let out a deep breath and leaned against the sink.

"How much more of this do I have to take?" I asked myself, pushing back my short, straight hair.

The service was finally over, but unfortunately there was the socializing and I couldn't even escape that because I had to represent the family. Why couldn't my older brother do that?

I washed my face and walked out the bathroom and went to find my mother. Walking around, I noticed a crowd in a circle and I walked over curiously.

"Oh Cason! You're such a decent young man, how are you not married yet and with that face." A woman from the church said and all the other woman agreed wholeheartedly.

"Celestine must be blind not to say yes to you." Another chimed in and I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe because he hasn't asked the question yet." They all jumped in surprise at the sound of my voice and looked over.

I smiled brightly as I walked over. Cason had a smile that reflected mine as well as he pulled me into a hug.

"Sweetie, I've been looking for you." He stated and kissed my hand.

"I was in the ladies room." I mumbled,

We briefly shared a look and I looked away first, knowing what it meant.

"I'm sorry, ladies but we have to go now. The day is full of other errands." Cason stated and they instantly pouted.

It was quite humorous how my boyfriend who was 29 on the verge of 30 had 50 something year old women smittened and eating from his hand. Of course with his well dark brown hair that was combed back, light grey eyes, tall height, and the cherry on top were the ridiculously expensive suits.

After finding my parents, we said goodbye before walking over to his car.

"As always, all the women surround you and flaunt over you." I playfully pouted once we were in the car and away from scrutinizing eyes.

"But they're not mine. You are." He respond, grabbing my chin and made me look at him.

"I honestly wonder how anyone can even think of you as the golden good boy." I snared and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"What about you, Miss Sailor Mouth?" He shot back,

"Hmm, the cold irony. I'm the daughter of a priest who other women think that I'm a good girl and you the son of my dad's friend who is supposedly a man following his dad's footsteps. How wrong they are." I sighed, shaking my head.

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