The Captive Maid

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Someone asked me to do a Millionaire and servant or nanny type of thing. This chapter is dedicated that person.

You all don't have to feel weirded out or embarrassed to ask me for a dark fantasy. We're all dirty little freaks and I'm absolutely cool with that because I'm a freak myself. Haha!

Sorry it took this long.


I angrily huffed as I finally finished.

I looked around the now clean room. After spending two hours, I finally finished the large room and bathroom.

Now only ten more to go.

I groaned at the thought and walked out the room.

Anger no longer overwhelmed my mind as it did a week ago. It's sad to say that how fast you can go from working at a food joint to being a slave for a dangerous gang.

I sighed tiredly as I strutted to the next room ready to clean up after these disgusting men.


"Bitch, what are you still doing here!" So I was at the tenth room for the day and sadly I hadn't clean fast enough because everyone returned and now the owner of the room was yelling at me.

"Well, I'm sorry, but as you can see its only one of me and like a million rooms in this house. If you pigs weren't so digesting and dirty, then this would make it easier for me to finish." I snapped annoyed at him for calling me a bitch.

The next thing I knew I was on the floor with the side of my face stinging.

"Ow, you bitch." I cursed, holding my face.

He was going to kick me when I started to scream really loud.

"Shut up!" He growled and kicked me in the stomach.

The air in my lungs was gone, leaving me breathless.

"George!" A sudden deep voice snapped,

"Mr. Luca." The jerk who was George stuttered shocked.

I gasped for air and coughed, sitting up.

I looked to see Beau De Luca. The leader of this stupid illegal gang.

"Why aren't you out working and hitting the maid?" Mr. Luca demanded crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Well, I-I..." George stuttered not knowing what to say.

I snorted, but only ended up groaning, clutching my stomach.

"Bastard." I mumbled, getting up off the floor.

"Maya, what are you doing in here?" Mr. Luca sked, looking over at me.

"Well, you did instruct me to clean the rooms." I huffed, annoyed at the entire situation.

"I'll deal with you later." Mr. Luca growled angrily at George before walking over at me and gripped my arm.

He tugged me out the arm roughly and rapidly walked down the hall with me stumbling behind him.

He opened the door to his office and pushed me in.

I stumbled and tripped over my feet landing on the floor with a thump.

Mr. Luca walked over me and took a seat in his large seat.

"Can you please tell me what was going on in there?" Mr. Luca demanded,

"Well." I started with a bit of sass.

"I was cleaning as I was instructed and seeing that I'm the only bloody maid around here at the moment and clearly couldn't finish the pigstien that you boys call a room." I said angrily,

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