Chapter 9♥️

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Jacelynn's POV

It was about 11:37pm. Still Friday.
I was eating potato chips, and watching Greys Anatomy on my laptop. Like the basic loser I am.👍

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my....window?

What the fuck?😑

I sat at my bay window and saw my boyfriend.
Oh my god😂😂.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Taking you to the park." Jordan replied.
"Jordan, its like hella late.." I say.
"And?"He said.

We just stared at each other and I rolled my eyes.

"Please?" He says.

I just stared right into his eyes and didn't say anything.

"I got Taco Bell" He smirked.
"Okay lets go!" I say, climbing out the window, making him laugh.

We jumped onto the front lawn. Jordan had a taco 12 pack in his hand. We began to walk to the nearest park.

"Okay, I didn't think this through, where are we gonna eat?" Jordan laughed.

"Uhh," I begin to look around. "That tree!" I say as I pointed at the tree.
"Seriously?" He stared at me in disbelief.
"Yeah!" I said climbing up the tree really fast.

"You're like a fucking monkey." He said as I pulled him up the tree.
"Im gonna take that as a compliment." I say with a big goofy smile of my face.

Jordan had his back against a large tree branch and I kinda sat on his lap while we ate our tacos.
I looked down and realized that I had a scuff of dirt on my shoe. I sat up on Jordan and wiped off my shoe. While I do, I realize that Jordanians some big ass feet

"Jordan?" I say.
"Yes babe?" He replied.
"You have some big ass feet!" I laugh.

"Shut up!" Jordan rolled his eyes.
"Make me." I scoffed.
"Gladly." Jordan grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss.

Man, today has been great🤤

"I know, right?" Jordan laughs.
"Shit, I said that out loud?" I laughed and Jordan nodded.

All of a sudden, I received a text message.

Where the freak are u??

At the park w/Jordan...why?



Yes omg hurry uppppp

I'm otw so can u cover me for a few??plzz

Omg yes but hurry. There's cops on the street.

"Omigod Jordan we gotta go!" I say as I show him my phone.

"Holy shit! Lets go." We jumped outta the tree and ran out the park.

"We gotta go through the back way if there's cops." Jordan yells as we keep running.
"But, that's like sneaking into somebody's backyard!" I yell back.
"Then, lets not get caught!" He yells.

After 5 mins of running, we approach our neighborhood and ran down the road behind my house.

"This is it!" Jordan pointed at a large house.

We climbed the fence on the side of the house and landed in the backyard. We ran all the way to the very back of the backyard and jumped that fence, too.

"Shit!" Jordan said as he tripped in my backyard.
"What happened?" I said, looking down at his leg which was bleeding.
"Okay umm, when we get inside, I'll get the first aid kit." We both nod as we tip toed into into the porch where the pool was.
I tried to open the door that lead to the living room, but it was locked.

"Okay, we have a problem. This door is locked. The only other way we can get in is...Kathy's room.
"Lets hope that she's not in there!" Jordan whisper yelled.

I carefully slid the door opened and motioned for Jordan to follow me. We tip toed through the pitch black room. Kathy wasn't in sight and thankfully, I could see a little.

We opened the door to exit and Kathy rushed in her room and jumped on her bed.

She scared the fucking shit outta me!

"Oh my-" I yelled, like the idiot I am, and Jordan covered my mouth.

"Shhhhhh. Jace I'm trying to sleep." Kathy said as she was half asleep.

At this point, Jordan's leg started to bleed more so we needed to get out Kathy's room.

We ran out the room and into the kitchen. Jordan pulled me back, realizing that my mom was walking out of the kitchen.

We just froze.

Luckily, someone knocked on the door. It was the cops.

Mom opened the door and we quietly snuck upstairs.

I quietly opened the door and saw Crystal sitting at my bay window.

"Hey could you pass me the first aid kit from the bathroom, like now?!" I yell as she looks at Jordan's leg at went into the bathroom.

She handed me the kit and I thanked her. I grab a cotton ball and clean Jordan's blood. I pour alcohol onto a cotton ball and put it on his scratch.

"Ahhh! Thanks for the warning!" Jordan jumped, which means that the alcohol must've stung him.

I put a bandaid on the cut and Jordan hugged me.

"Thanks baby" He lifted my chin and kissed me. I melt into the kiss, forgetting that Crystal was in the room.

"Ummm...." Crystal said.
"You're excused." I say as Crystal went to her room.

"Now, where were we?" Jordan laughed as we both leaned in.

Sorry this sucks 😐

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