Chapter 1♥️

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Jacelynn's POV

You gotta move it slowly, take and eat my body like its holy. I've been waitin' for you for the wh-

I swiped left on my alarm. Today is the big day. The day I move all the way from Florida to Pennsylvania. This is why I was trying to stay awake last night. I knew that if I woke up, Id be moving BASICALLY ACROSS THE COUNTRY. Obviously, look where it got me. After all, we had to get away from Florida after everything that happened with my dad and I. This is gonna be one hell of a year for me.
I stretched on my air mattress and unplugged my phone from the wall.

August 24th

I decided that it'd probably would be a good idea if I got dressed. I stood up and went to my closet. I grabbed the only outfit that was in there, a pair of black and white joggers, a black crop top, and some black Huaraches.
I put on the outfit and went down the hall, into the kitchen with my phone.
My family was already eating some McDonald's.
"Jacelynn, what took you so long?" Crystal said in her childlike voice.
"Umm, I just woke up." I stated.
"But it's 12 already." Kathy hissed.
"Is it bad to sleep in?" I hissed back.
"Yeah, especially on moving day!" I just rolled my eyes at her.
"Okay 'mom'" I began to walk away.
"Huh?" My mom said.
"Oh nothing." I said as I made my way to Antonio's room.
"Tony, are you awake?"
"Yeah, what's up?" He asked.
"Nothing, imma just chill in here until we leave if that's ok with you"
"Oh I don't mind"
I open the app on my phone. I go through who was featured today and I see a boy doing a  to Bad Things by Camilla Cabello.

They seem kinda fine tbh😏

I immediately clicked the bell.


I read their bio, which stated 'North Wales, PA'.
"Tony, where are we moving again?" I asked because I honestly forgot.
"Uhh, Pennsylvania"
"North Wales?" I questioned.
"Yeah, I think." He answered.


I clicked their Instagram icon and followed them. I went back on and looked through Jordan's videos. I saw a sound that I liked and made a musically to it. The caption read 'Inspired by @ itz_notjordan' but I just left it and posted it.

"HEY YALL" Crystal bust into the room.
"Yello" We said.
"Can I chill with y'all?" She ask.
"Is Kathy being a bitch?" Antonio ask.
"Is that even a question?" I stated as we all laughed.
"Eeeeeek! Jacob just posted a new musically!" Crystal jumped up and down.
"Isn't that the cringey kid who makes those songs, the fuck boi?" I laughed.
"First of all, Jacob is the same age as you. Second of all, he isn't a cringey fuck boi!" She defended.
Just then, my phone vibrated. My musically was getting hundreds of likes, but only one person caught my attention.

Jordan Brooke liked your musically.

"Eeeeek! Jordan Brooke liked my musically!" I jumped up and down.
"Oh wow!" Crystal laughed.
"Gate 3A Flight 57 is now boarding"
"That's us! C'mon kiddos, lets go!" My mom said as we shuffled towards our gate with our luggage.
We handed the attendant our tickets and made our way to our seats. Everyone else sat together but me. All of a sudden, two boys sat next to me on the flight.
"Hey!" I smiled.
"Hey, what's your name?" A boy with brown hair asked.
"Im Jacelynn, what about you?"
"Oh I'm Raegan, and this is my boyfriend, Justin." The two boys smiled.

Those are nice nam- wait a minute, that's Raegan Beast and Justin Blake? Sitting next to me on a flight? What the fuck?! I really didn't wanna make a big deal out of it though, they probably didn't wanna be bothered about it.

"So, your headed to Pennsylvania?" I ask.
"Yeah, we're meeting up with our friend, Jordan." Justin says as my eyes go wide.

"Attention passengers we will now liftoff."

"Jordan Brooke? That's my 'celebrity crush' " I quoted with my fingers.
Raegan than starred at his phone, then looked at me, the looked back at his phone. He showed  Justin his phone and he gasped. What were they up to?
"Ya know, we're staying in a hotel near Jordan for the week, wanna meet him?"
I freeze for a second.
"Do I? I'd love that, actually!" I yelp. Half the plane shushed me as Jaegan laughed at me.
"Well, ill give our numbers and our social medias" Justin said as I gave him my phone.
"Ill give you Jordans other socials, too" Justin says as I nod.
I put my earbuds in and drifted to sleep.
"Jacelynn, wake up." Raegan shakes me and I look around to see everyone getting off the plane.
"Jace, lets go" Antonio said as he passed me and me and Jaegan got up and off the plane. "Well, Ill text you guys later, ill see y'all soon!"
"Bye, Jacelynn!" I hugged the boys as they walked away holding hands.
My mom glared at them.
"Ugh! How dare they show their affection in public like that? Listen kids, if I ever find out that one of you four are gay, than consider me not your mother anymore, understood?"
"Yes"said Kathy
"Mmhm" said Antonio
"Okay" Crystal said.
"Oh uhhh..., understood mom"
"Good, let's go." My mom said as we began to exit the airport.

Anything sound familiar? 😏 Btw I know that Justin and Raegan broke up but, they're still cute😭❤️ #JR4L 😂 How do yall like this one?

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