The Lions

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The world was in peril and we never knew it. 5 riders were chosen to protect our very existence in this world. An extinct species of lions led these riders, they were called the Altean Lions. A huge type of lion that was bred for war and riding. When a prophecy appeared and great doom threatened the land.

May the sky and spirits be protected by a leader as black as night
The forest guarded by a green furies might
Red fire blazes to protect the land
Deep blue water shall be commanded with an uncontrolled hand
May the yellow barren ground may be bless by the Earth with lushness and kindness.
These five things will save the day if chosen the right way
But if these souls can't make amends 
It may be menacing till the end
(I tried, ugh)

5 special lions representing these colors were chosen from birth and were trained their whole life. But the riders were still undecided, and those who studied the prophecy deciphered that the lions chose them.

Some disagreed with this decision, but over time they tried to force riders onto the lions.

So every year, children at the age of 15 would gather to the capital and be seen by the lions.

"And that capital used to be this very spot!" Lance exclaimed.

Colleen smiled in fascination. She never knew what tales could be out in the middle of a forest. And it was coming from a talking candlestick.

All of a sudden a giant gust of wind entered the room. The strange gust wiped out the fire place and Lance's candles. She shivered in fear as she saw Hunk bounce backwards and the others cowering before her. She didn't dare turn around, not now.

Until she saw a beast, a horrific creature with devil horns that curled back. For that was as black as night but sliver streaks that covered his face revealed himself from the darkness. Jagged teeth were showed on his ugly snout. (I'M SORRY SHIRO ISN'T A MONSTER OR UGLY😖😖)

Frozen with fear she tried tearing away, but her body wouldn't let her. Until she finally managed to slip of the chair when the beast roared at the figures.

"WHO LET HER IN THE CASTLE!" he roared at the talking objects.

"Shirrrro listen pleeease." Lance stammered, his candles quivering "she was lost and needed the hospitality."

"SILENCE" He barked and stared right into Colleen's soul. "What do you want, why have you come."

"I..I..I, need food and I hoped that I could spend the night. Please! I mean you no harm! I can go back out right..."

Before she could finish speaking Colleen burst coughing on the floor uncontrollably. Then she looked up to see a black silhouette loaming above her. Petrified, she tried to speak but nothing came out. She shook as the creature, they called Shiro, came closer and closer.

He bent down to inspect her. Then ceased her arm violently and lifted her off the ground. She squirmed but soon stop at the annoyed expression that was on the beast's face. He faced her in the light and looked at her again.

"Do you think.... She could be the one?" Lance got the courage to speak.

"No" Shiro muttered.

"How do you know?"

"I just have this feeling that it isn't right."

He turned back to her and glared at her some more. Then without warning she was yanked out of the room. She felt a pain in her throat and coughed a bit. Lance and Keith bounced on over to him.

"SHIRO! What are you doing?!" Lance exclaimed.

"She came here unauthorized by me, so she will stay in the prison until I decided what to do with her." Shiro growled with a dark expression clouding his face.

Colleen gulped, his words weren't the most comforting things to hear. Especially now, with her conditions and all. She didn't try to struggle, if she did her coughing would grow worse. Anyway she needed energy to survive at least a day or two on this castle.

He dragged her up a flight of stairs. Then they reached the top of the tower. A make-shift cell was there. It had a hole in the wall that had a drop down to the bottom of the staircase. He showed her in to the prison and turned to Keith.

"Let the horse go, I don't want it destroying the garden."

Keith bowed, trying his best to be calm. "Of course" he murmured and went the the flight of stairs.

With one last glance Shiro marched his way down to the main chambers. As soon as he was gone Lance peaked around the corner and into the cell.

"Forgive me, I put you in this position." Lance apologized.

"Don't worry about it. It's half my fault for barging unannounced." Colleen smiled at the empathetic candle sticks.

"Well here, for all the blue I've caused." Lance unlit his two candles on both of his sides. He  fit a stuffed bag of food in between the bars.

Colleen nodded back in thanks but started to cough before she could say anything. Lance smiled sympathetically and hopped down the stairs. And she was left alone, for the time being.

She peaked in the blanket, it had a canteen of water, a few small apples, a packet filled with meat, and bread. She took a tiny drink from the canteen since she didn't know how long she would be here. But when she really thought about it, she could be here forever.

Ugh, I really don't like how this turned out. I had some writers block on the road. So sorry about the bad chapter!


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