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Pidge mounted Rover and snapped the reins. Rover nickered and cantered out of the village. Terror filled her eyes, worried about her mother made Pidge's stomach turn. The field soon turned into a thick forest, the sun could barely be seen between the thick branches. After a hour or so everything became colder. She shivered and started to huddle closer to Rover's neck.

To her surprised a thick blanket of snow lined the ground. Rover's hooves soon became muffled as they sunk into the snow. Suddenly one of Rover's hooves slipped with the hidden ice beneath them. Pidge squeaked and held on tight to Rover's mane.

After they crossed the frozen lake Pidge came across a rusty old gateway. She slowly pushed it open, wondering what was on the other side. Behind the thick bars she stepped back in awe. A castle sat in ruins behind a snowfield garden. She slowly made her way through the garden, Rover's reigns in her hand.

After a slow walk she finally reached the staircase leading to the main entrance. She settled Rover down in a tiny stable with a supply of fresh water and hay. Pidge made her way up the stairs and slowly opened the door. It seemed abandoned but the candles around were lit. Confused she made her way up the stairs calling her mother's name. In the back of her mind she swore she heard faint whispers around her.

Breaking her thoughts were the sounds of coughing up the flight of stairs.

"Mom!" Pidge ran up the stairway leading into a strange looking cell. She knelt down and looked in.

"Katie! What are you doing here!" Colleen gasped.

"That's not important right now." She murmured "I need to get you out."

Pidge started to fiddle with the lock until her mother intervened.

"You must get out of here! You don't understand, this castle is curse! Leave!"

As soon as she said that a loud thump could be heard. It shook the ground causing her to shiver.

"He's here."

"Who?" Pidge could see the terror in her mother's eyes.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE." A voice echoed over the walls.

"I'm, here for my mother! Who you have wrongly in prisoned! She's never hurt an innocent being in her lifetime!"


"Then let me take here place, I've probably done more wrong in my lifetime then her's! Pidge realized what she just said but didn't regret a single word.

"YOU... you would do that?!" The creature's voice was confused but kept its tone.

"Katie! No! I will not allow you too."

Pidge glanced at her mother, then smiled. "Please let me do this for you." She murmured, then turned back at the mysterious figure.

"WILL YOU? If you do the rest of you're life will be spent here."

Pidge's eyes widened, a life sentence? Sighing, a thought suddenly came to her mind.

"Come in the light. If I am to stay here I surely should know who I'm staying with." She muttered.

Each step made the ground rumble. Step after step his face became visible. A beast stepped forward, eyes narrowed. Pidge gasped and backed away.

She suddenly looked down, then looked at him straight in his eyes. " I will."

"Very well"

(Shidge)Beauty and the Beast-Voltron AU (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now