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I'm specifying the P.O.V.s now. But it'll be in third person now.

Pidge/Katie P.O.V

Pidge groaned from boredom, not wanting to go out because of the villagers. She would take Rover out and have a good trail ride, but he was with her mother. She picked up her notepad and charcoal pencil and started to scribble me down some stuff. As she finished her last stroke Pidge then hauled out a barrel with a harness and some other things attached to it.

She went into the tiny hand made built stable that held the goats, pigs, chickens, Rover, and one donkey that they had. Right next to it was a stall just made for Rover. But the donkey they had was just as special to Pidge as any other animal in the pen. It's name was Gunther, and the miniature donkey only cared about Katie and her mother. Really nothing else. Gunther was a pretty strange creature, would always rear up when someone else was handling him. She just thought that no one was as close to him as her family.

She lead the donkey along the path to the water where she cleaned her laundry. As she loaded her clothes in the barrel and had the donkey walk around to churn the water. On the low ledges surrounding the water she pulled out the book she got from Slav earlier. While she was reading she heard a little girl.

"What are you doing?" she asked in a curious voice.

"I'm reading! You can join if you would like." Pidge patted the ledge beside her.

The girl timidly made her way over to Pidge. She jumped on and seated herself on the stone ledge while peering over Pidge's arm.

"Let me get out an easier one." Rummaging around in her bag Pidge pulled out a smaller and thinner book.

She pointed to the first word and read it out loud to her. Page after page the little girl got better and better.

"The blue bird.... flew above the.. tree!"

"Awesome!" Pidge made a lifted her hand for a high five. The girl giggled and gave her one.

An angry shout came from in front of them. Prorok, the headmaster of the school, glared at the two girls staring down at them.

"Teaching another women to read? Horrendous I say! Horrendous! Women like you shouldn't be able to look at a single page." Prorok snorted.

Another came over and murmured to him. "We have to do something."

With that a bunch of about five to eight people gathered and heaved over the laundry Pidge had. It was there mistake trying to handle Gunther. The donkey reared up and made a screaming whining sound that split in the air. The closest people near the terrifying donkey fell to the ground and scrambled away. Others around it backed away in fear.

Pidge raced over and caught his harness and started to stroke and calm Gunther. Slowly but surely the donkey calmed down. Pidge glared at the villagers picked up her clothing and headed of in a huff.

But before she left she turned around and waved back at the girl. "Good by Maria! I hope we meet again!" so with that she made her way back home.

While marching home an unexpected but unintended meeting showed up. With the one and only Zarkon. His smirk on his face made her want the slap it right of of him.

"What do you want? Oh let me guess to marry you and rub your tired disgusting feet. Also to give you glory and bow down to you like a king." she spat.

"You really amuse me." Zarkon chuckled then stopped at the furious glare and vibe she was giving off, along with the donkey. "Stirring up trouble with the village isn't a good idea. Especially with the headmaster! But I never really did like him." Zarkon said trying to flirt with her but failing miserably.

"I guess you hate him since you can't find anything better to say." Pidge started to walk off but was still trailed by Zarkon.

He tried to get closer but Gunther stomped his hooves down of the stone walkway giving an echoing sound. The glare of the donkey gave Zarkon shivers down his back.

"Aw, I guess the great mighty hunter is scared of a little miniature donkey?"

"No I..." Zarkon came to close for Gunther liking. The donkey had a huge huff of air and snapped down near Zarkon's fingers. Each snap gave of a clicking noise as his teeth collided together. Zarkon leaped back in fear and then tries to get his composure back.

Laughing Pidge made her way to the stable when Zarkon finally gave up. A little to terrified of the donkey that guarded her. "Thank you bud, you really got me out of a tight one." She placed her forehead on his and then kissed it. After taking his harness off and getting him in his stall Pidge went and fed the goats and the two pigs they had. Then she started to feed the chickens. Their clucking was soon drowned out by a mysterious but similar sound. Around the bend a huge horse made its way to her house. To her surprise it was Rover. Pidge was so surprise she almost tripped over one of the chickens. Where was her mother? Where was the cart?

The horse trotted right next to the water trough and lapped up a lot of it. She calmly stroked the clearly frightened horse. As soon as she got Rover some food and fresher water she asked where was her mother.

"Rover! Where is she, where is mother. Please take me to her!" She begged the horse. Rover turned and bent down for her to get on him. Then they were off.

@Kravil_Jasl is the first one I'm going to tag! You have been so supportive and sweet! Don't worry there will be more opportunities for a shout out.  And I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been traveling a lot this summer. Well I hope you like it!


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