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A/N. Another chapter for you guys! Hope you enjoy! The picture is of Shade's insignia that's on the left shoulder of her jacket. It's like Flash's lightning bolt and Batman's...well bat. That's all I've gotta say so, read on! -Anna


July 22, 20:08 ECT

 The whole team was aboard Miss Martian's Bio-Ship, traveling to our first mission destination. It was quiet besides the sound of the ship moving through the air. I guess it was all the nerves of being on our first mission since this team started. Well, first official mission from Batman. So far, Miss Martian and I have gotten closer, so I've gotten a bit more comfortable with her. Superboy is okay with me it seems, despite being pretty anti-social.

 "We're approaching Santa Prisca," Miss M announced, breaking the silence.

 Now I was getting a bit nervous. To keep my head straight, I remembered what the mission was.

 "Isla Santa Prisca," Batman started off, with a holographic map of the said place behind him. Red Tornado stood beside him. The only other sound besides him talking, was Wally eating away at a bag of chips. "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neurosteriod-a strength enhancing drug sold under the street name, Venom. Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop-zones."

 "So, who's in charge?" Robin asked. Batman and Tornado looked at each other, then back at us.

 "Work that out between you," Batman stated simply.

  Yeah, this mission would be just fun. The good thing was that it was night, so I didn't have any limitations.

 "Drop-zone A in thirty," Miss Martian said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

 Aqualad stood and his chair sank down into the floor. He pressed the 'A' on his belt buckle, and his suit colors changed into blacks and grays. "Ready."

 "Putting Bio-Ship in camouflage mode," Miss M announced as the island came into view. She did just that. She made a hole in the floor of the ship, and hovered over the water. Aqualad pencil dived down into the water.

 A few seconds later, we heard Aqualad talk through the comms. "Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in."

 Miss Martian steered the ship above a small clearing in a jungle on the island. "Drop-Zone B."

 We stood up, and Miss M made grapple lines drop from the roof of the Bio-Ship. Robin, Kid Flash, and I hooked them onto our belts. Kid pressed the Flash insignia on his chest, and his suit changed to black and grays.

 "How cool is this?" Kid asked Miss Martian.

 "Very impressive," Miss M responded. She closed her eyes, and her outfit shifted into a skin-tight, black body suit, keeping her red 'x' and blue cape and hood.

 "Uh, that works, too," Kid said. "Hey, Supey, not too late to put on the new stealth-tech."

 "No capes, no tights, no offence," Superboy responded, crossing his arms.

 "I know what you mean," I said, guesturing to my outfit. No capes or tights. Since it was completely black, I didn't need the stealth-tech.

 "It totally works for you..." Miss Martian said, looking at Superboy with a dreamy look. Superboy glanced at her. "...in that you can totally do good work in those clothes."

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