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A/N. Picture is Alice's outfit for this chapter. All I got to say, enjoy people -Anna


August 19, 19:39 EDT

Initiate-combat training. three, two ,one... 

 The computer voice announced the training, and Aqualad and Superboy starting sparring. I was with the rest of the girls just talking, while Wally was eating a burrito, watching the two spar. My shoulder had healed nicely, thank goodness. 

 "Kaldur's, uh, nice, don't you think?" Artemis asked. "Handsome. Commanding. One of you should totally ask him out." Was she really trying to set either of us up with him?

 "He's like a big brother to me," M'gann confessed.  

 "Same," I answered. 

 "But you know who would make the cutest couple? Artemis and Wally," M'gann said. We glanced at the boy as he chowed down on his food. "You're so full of passion and he's so full of, uh-of-"

 "It?" Artemis and I said. All three of us laughed at the statement.

 "You know who would make a great couple? Alice and Robin," Artemis suggested. 

 "W-what? No way! Ew! He's practically my brother," I quickly said. Just the thought of it made me want to puke. They don't know that we're actually brother and sister. Only the people at Gotham Academy know. Before anything else could be said, we heard the computer say, Fail: Aqualad. 

 "Black Canary taught me that," Superboy said proudly, dusting off his hands. As Superboy helped Kaldur off the ground, Red Tornado flew down from his apartment. 

 "Do you have a mission for us?" Wally asked, running up to Tornado. 

 "Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility," Tornado replied. Where have I heard that before. 

 "Yeah. Well, the Batman's with the Robin doing the Dynamic Duo thing in Gotham. Hey, Alice, why aren't you with them?" Wally asked. 

 "Wanted the two to go by themselves this time," I shrugged. 

 "But you're headed somewhere right? Hot date or a-a missión?" Wally continued. I rolled my eyes. 

 "If we can be of help..." Kaldur said in the more polite way.

 Tornado pulled up a holographic screen of an old man with a cane. "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is one-hundred and six years old."

 "Guy doesn't look a day over ninety," Wally whispered to Artemis and me. 

 "And he has been missing for twenty-three days. Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society, the precursor to your mentor's Justice League," Tornado continued.

 "Of course. Nelson was the Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He was Doctor Fate," Kaldur informed. 

  Wally scoffed. "More like Doctor Fake. Guy knows a little advanced science and 'Dumbledores' it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes."

 "Kent may simply be on one of his walkabouts, but he is caretaker of the Helmet of Fate, the source of the Doctor's mystical might, and it is unwise to leave such power unguarded," Tornado said. 

 "Magic?" I perked up. I love magic. 

 "He is like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars. I would be honored to find him," M'gann said in awe, stepping up.

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