Chapter Nine

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When I arrive at the office the next morning, I have heard that BTS had returned to Seoul safely.

As I enter the office..

Seokjin: YOU'RE BACK!
Me: Woah! what's with the commotion?
Seokjin: Well, yesterday when we got back from the world tour, I wanted to eat tteokbokki with you and AJ, but then I heard that you won't be coming back til today. Now that you're back, let's have tteokbokki tonight.
I stay quiet.
Seokjin: Wait, where's AJ?
Me: About that. Why don't you take a seat, I'll explain everything.

So I did explain to them everything. About AJ and her mother. The members reactions are nothing but sympathy for AJ's situation.

Namjoon: That is really unfortunate for her. Is she okay?
Me: She is going to be fine. I guess. But whatever it is, she is a strong girl. And you guys know that right? I mean, she had become a lot stronger in order for her to be patient with all of you.

Silence fills the room in an instant. I look at each and every member one by one. From their faces, I know that they are also sad upon AJ's resignation and is no longer working in this company.

I sigh. "You guys don't have to worry, she is going to be fine. You can still text her if you miss her." I shift my eyes to Yoongi, who is now looking like as if dark grey clouds are above his head. He notice me looking at him when I say the last word but quickly reverted his eyes towards the ground.


After I have told them about the news, they go back to their own routine. Which means, Yoongi will be in the studio to edit a few songs of his.

I have no idea for what reason I have for my own self, but my feet brought me there. I know he is sad after he heard the news just now. And as his friend, I felt responsible to see if he is okay.

"Hey Romeo."

Yoongi was looking at his phone before he quickly turn to me when I call him. Well, even though I didn't quite call him by his name but he knows I am the only person who calls him that and he knows it is him.

"Hey." He says back to me. Smiling.

This is so weird, Min Yoongi is smiling?

"Why are you smiling?" I ask him and give him a look.

"Nothing. I..I was just texting her."

I put my hand to my mouth. Not believing what he just said.

"Owh, really?! Wow!! I am so sorry to interrupt the moment. Well, go back with that and tell me once you're done."

"I just said good night to her."

"Owh really? I thought you have a lot more to say."

"It is already night. And speaking of the time now, why are you still at the office? It is already.." he looks at his watch on his wrist to confirms the time "10 o'clock. You should be home by now."

"Why are you so surprise as if this is my first time going home late and don't try to change the topic please. I was about to ask you what did you text her? And besides, you know that Malaysia is an hour behind. So it is only 9 there."

"I know that Malaysia is an hour behind. She has to have her rest so that is why I already said good night to her. And as for your question," he paused for a bit then smirks at me. "I am not telling you." He sticks his tongue out and runs toward the recording room.

"I will find out about it Yoongi! AJ will tell me anyway!" He shuts the door.

What in the world just happened?

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