Chapter 3 - Will You Dance With Me?

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-[YoonGi/Ji ]-

I sigh in relief as I see the castle getting closer and closer, 

"we're almost there" I heard Jimin mutter, as we both walked in a comfortable silence.

"I wonder if Ddosun made it back safely" I said curiosity evident in my voice, I hear Jimin groaned exasperatedly,

"I really hope so" he said worried, I sighed. 

But really, I really do feel like she's gonna be alright. 

The world is fucking telling me anyways, 

I walk silently behind Jimin who's pace seemed to slow down to a stop, confused I stopped too.
"why'd we stop?" I asked, 

"we're here dumb, dumb" Jimin said rolling his eyes, I raise my eyebrow as I moved my gaze from Jimin and to the front of me, and my eyes widened in embarrassment, 

Shit, I must have dozed off or something. 

Cause shit, Jimin wasn't kidding as we stood in front of an iron gate.

"where does this lead too, though?"

"oh, to the main entrance of the palace" Jimin said with a shrug, as he put on the passcode to unlock the closed gate, 

"main entrance?" I murmur to myself, as realization hit me. 

"I still don't have anything to wear for my feet, and it's kinda dirty if you don't know and I for a matter of fact don't want to embarrass myself and dirty the castle, barefooted" I said, as the gate made a beeping sound as it opened but Jimin looked at me amusedly, 

"Jimin-ssi I'm not kidding" I said seriously, because no way in hell am I going in there barefooted,

Jimin sighed rolling his eyes, I was about to retort when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and started dragging me on a different path, 

"wait, where are we going?" I asked worried and fear evident in my tone, as I realized that might have been a bad move and then he's gonna fucking rape me for being such a whiny little person,
Wait no, I'm not little I'm taller than him. 1cm is a very important height difference, thank you very much. 

"we're going the way I went through, so you wouldn't 'embarrass' yourself" he said, playfully rolling his eyes as I sigh in relief as I let him lead the way, 

"though we might get there longer" he said as he looked at his wrist "shit, it's 10:43 we've been walking a while" I heard him mutter, 

I smiled amusedly, "shit? I don't think Prince Charming's are supposed to have that in their dictionary" I said teasingly, 

"don't tell my parents, please" he said, as he stopped in his tracks to look at me with puppy eyes, 

I swear I almost melted, wait...

I'm not supposed to melt. I'm cool. Cold as ice. 

"fine, but you still gotta buy me a new pair of pumps" I said seriously, I mean I really don't have a use with the pumps but I would like to keep it, like that cost me a ton of won. I would like to put it on a display or something or I could give it to my cousin, 

She looks like she'll like it, 

The pumps cost me more than the chains I usually buy...

"of course" Jimin said, before walking again in a rather fast pace, 

"will you slow down?" I asked... well more like demanded after I almost tripped on a few pebbles, and my fucking feet is burning. Why does this person have to walk so fast? 

Will you be my Princess? I mean Prince?  (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now