Chapter 16 - Plot Twist

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(A/N: Im both scared and excited, sht)

-[Yoongi POV]-

"Hey! Why is everyone laughing?" A voice suddenly called out, breaking the happy atmosphere as everyone turned to look at him,

Except me and Jimin though, we knew better than to look behind us.

I gulped nervously, not yet ready to face the king.

I could feel the king's eyes moving from person to person as he started to walk towards his wife, who looked rather calm compared to the others, who looked like their eyeballs were about to pop out and they also looked nervous,

Taehyung was calm though, he continued to spread Jam all over his bread not noticing the stifling atmosphere.

The king must have noticed it too as he frowned, "What's wrong?" He asked as he looked over at us,

I and Jimin were still quiet as ever as the king finally noticed the both of us sitting as still as ever,

He frowned, everyone, noticed as they snapped their heads to watch the king's reaction. (except me and Jimin... And the queen who was casually sipping tea with Taehyung munching on his jam sandwich, looking oblivious.)

"Jimin? Yoon Ji?" He asked slowly as he walked over towards us,

Everyone waited with bated breath, waiting for what will happen next.

"Why is everyone so nervous?" The king chuckled, amused by everyone's expressions.

"H-Huh?" Jungkook stuttered out,

"Why does everyone look like I'm about to throw a fit-"

"Abeoji..." Jimin suddenly said softly but it seemed loud in the still atmosphere,

"Hm?" The king said as he turned his attention to his quiet son,

Jimin finally moved as he stood up, dragging me with him since we were holding hands.

Everyone watched with a still expression as I reluctantly stood up with him, still looking down.

Not having the confidence to look at his expression when he realizes that... I'm... a guy.

Sigh, why did I do this to myself...

I should have never done this, fuck.

"Abeoji... we have something to confess," Jimin said nervously but firm as the king raised his eyebrows before walking closer,

He stood in front of us,

"What do you mean, Jimin?" The king asked, not entirely sure as to what's happening.


"I'm a guy," I said bluntly, straight to the point.

I can't handle it anymore! Let's just get this over with!

If I'm gonna get my heart taken away, might as well do it fast.

Quick and fast... It'll hurt less.

Jimin tugged at me harshly, I looked over at him with a sad look and Jimin softened.

He sighed, "Yeah... uhm... he is a guy,"

I finally looked up to see the king's reaction but he just looked baffled,

"Huh?" He said in confusion, not sure yet what the heck is happening.

"Appa, what we're saying is that Yoon Ji- Wait no, I mean Yoongi  is actually uhm a guy... n-not a girl like you expect," Jimin said, shuffling slightly.

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