Chapter 6 - Princess to my Fairy Tale Story

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I looked at her like she had grew two head, which she probably did.

"I'm a b-boy, and I-I'm sorry" Yoon Ji - is that even his name - said as a single droplet of tear slid of his face.

Stop that.

"I'm so sorry" he repeated as he looked down shamefully, as I stared at him in disbelief.

I listened to him say 'I'm sorry' like a mantra, like a broken mix tape that goes over... and over...
I watch as he starts shaking again and his sorry's start to to turn into short gasp and broken cries as he continues, even when more tears starts rolling down his cheeks.

His pale cheeks, that are now a horrible shade of blotchy red.

"you're kidding me, right?" my voice suddenly said cutting through his mantra, which made him froze and look at me fearfully,

Fuck, I wasn't supposed to say that.

He stiffly shook his head sniffling slightly, "I'm sorry" he said again,

Oh my fucking shit, stop saying sorry.

It's annoying.

"sorry doesn't change anything, you can't be a boy. You're hair! The dress you wore at the ball"
Okay, someone needs to stop me before I do something bad.

I mean it's still Yoon Ji right?

But... in a boy version,

"I-I am a boy... a-and I'm wearing a w-w-wig" he muttered broken,

It hurt me to see him like this, I mean he might be a boy but he still has the face of my lover, I-I mean... Yoon Ji.

"a wig? Prove it to me"

I don't even know what's going out of my mouth anymore,

I'm in such disbelief and confusing right now, that my mouth is going autopilot.

I'm bisexual for god sake, Yoon Ji being a boy shouldn't affect me this much.

It shouldn't...

"I c-cant..." he whimpered out like a kicked puppy,

Fuck don't do that.

"why not?"

Stab me with a spork please.

"b-because..." he stopped looking at me nervously, nibbling at his bottom lip furiously that I'm afraid that it'll bleed.

"-you'll hate me" He whispered so quiet I almost missed it,

"Hate you?!" I asked incredulously,

"Y-yeah" He said his voice cracking, as he gripped tightly on his red coat,

"I mean.... D-don't you hate me?" He asked shyly and with slight nervousness (screw that he sounded like he was ready to run),

Good question.

Do I hate him?

I mean I'm not even sure if he's just joking with me but he looks serious, if only he'll take off his wig...

"Can you take off your wig? I mean... You're joking... right?" I asked my eyes suddenly finding interest in the sky that's slowly darkening, without realizing that Yoon Ji stiffened,

"I-I'm not joking..." he whispered and sighed deeply and with hesitance he took of his wig which caught my eye as I look at him with an intent gaze,

Will you be my Princess? I mean Prince?  (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now