Chapter 25

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The last second chapter. One more to go. So hold your breaths ;)


"Oh my apples, you have no idea how much terrified I was." I shrieked as I sat by Mary's bed hugging her as tight as possible.

Mary laughed while patting my back as though seeing me in such an agony is a funny thing. I pulled away before punching her shoulder and glared at her playfully when on the inside I was about to burst with happiness.

Seems that Mark the Great had brought a knife along with him to hurt Mary the same way he did to Alice. He had written that note before going to her, I suppose, and then made one his workers that is my stalker leave it outside my door.

When I went, basically ran to Mary's house she was sitting on her bed with a bandage on her forehead laughing with her mother. Her laughter even increased upon seeing me standing like a paralyzed penguin with an ultra confused look on my face.

Then she went on explaining to me that she was strong enough to take the knife out of his hand and she even thanked him because she needed it to cut apples. Mark's anger grew and the both of them had a fight. Just then Mary's father entered and then Mark escaped. Hence Mary was safe.

Mary said, "You know how strong I am. You really thought I would stand like a fool and let that idiot kill me? Nah. Once I even accidentally broke John's bone too, don't you remember? It was long ago when I used to be full of energy, when we were still studying in the university. Ah, the good old days."

Well, she is actually true. She is the strongest in our group. When we were still studying our course, almost everyone used to be scared of her. I admit when I was new even I was scared of her, but then I met Lily and then she introduced me to the group. Mary was the total opposite of what I heard, she was like a ball of sunshine just like Lily.

"Well, congratulations then. For successfully making me so worried. But still, this time I won't leave Mark. The moment I see him I'll shoot him, even though the police warned me not to." I said as I imagined the scene in my head when I would happily watch Mark dead on the floor and dance around his body with a disco song in the background.

"Thank you. It's really a good and accomplishing feeling in making you worried." Mary joked and I gave her a small smile.

I heard my phone ringing and saw Officer Shane's name pop up on the screen. I excused myself from Mary and answered the call.


"Hannah. This is Officer Shane speaking." I heard his voice.

"I know. I saved your number. Tell me, any news on Mark?"

"Actually... yes. We went through some investigation and CCTV footage and found out that Macy had killed someone in the past too. It happened to be your school's principal." 

My principal? Does he mean Miss Sophia?

What! Miss Sophia is dead?

"Macy killed her?"

"Yes. We don't know the reason yet. A few years ago the dead body of Sophia had been found in her cabin outside of school hours with a gun in her hand, and the forensic report stated that the gunshot was made from an unmeasurable distance that led to the case being closed off as a suicide due to illness. But now when we investigated it again, it seemingly wasn't a suicide since the model of the gun Mark possesses is same as that of what was found with Sophia.

"It was unfortunate that the principal's cabin lacked a CCTV, but there was one just by the streets leading to the school and we saw a masked Macy coming out of there, but her eye color confirmed it. Hence it was proved that Macy shot her. Now, we don't have any option except to chase Macy too, because even though Mark warned us not to it is our job to not let criminals be on the loose. We'll report back to you on any further news." He said before he hung up.

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