'I Tried'

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This is a personal imagine for SaloniAKulkarni thank you for reading and for being so nice to me!!!


You had woken up from your deep slumber when you realised AJ was not in bed with you. It was very rare for AJ to wake up earlier than you, in fact come to think of it, he's never up earlier.

Huh, strange. You thought to yourself.

As you began to feel more awake, you caught the scent of an all too familiar dish.

You quickly got up and rushed to the kitchen. You were greeted with AJ vigorously scraping the pan he was using. The sight of him mumbling and cursing to himself was too adorable. You cannot help but to giggle.

'What are you doing baby?' You whispered, as you gave AJ a back hug.

'Oh gosh.. hey Saloni,' AJ smiles when he realises it was just you.

He turns around and kisses your forehead. 'Good morning baby,'

You smiled, as you went to assess the situation that was happening and you only managed to shake your head, giggling to yourself.

AJ sighs, 'Baby.. I tried to make your favourite Dosa... I know how much you missed India and you haven't visited in ages.. I just wanted to do something for you..'

You tilted your head slightly as you looked at him.

'Why are you looking at me like that?  I burned the Dosa...,' he scratches his head.

'Thank you,' you smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

AJ snakes his arms around your waist, 'Oh for what?'

'For trying,' you smiled as you kissed the tip of his nose. 'I love you,'

'And i love you too, Saloni,' AJ smiles as he kisses you.


Hooray for happy imagines! I know i just did an AJ one but this was requested and i will not delay uploading any further. I hope you like it!!!! This was a nice one to write :-)

Thank you for reading!! If you want a personal, you can drop me details hehe i hope you guys have a lovely day!!

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