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As the sun sets, you and Nick began slowly letting your guard down. The date has been nothing but amazing and you were glad that it turned out this way.

The two of you sat close to each other, his hands intertwined with yours as you both sat in comfortable silence. Your head resting on his shoulder.

'Do you know what I'm most afraid of?' Nick whispers, breaking the silence.

You turned to look at him, staring at his features, wondering how the hell you got so lucky.

'What?' You barely managed to say.

Nick turns his body to look at you, as he held both of your hands in his. His eyes flickered down not wanting to meet your eyes.

Nick has always been romantic but he's never explicitly voiced out his concerns. He's afraid of being viewed as weak. He wants to be strong and brave for you. But at this point, he realises that he loves you. And he can trust you with his most vulnerable thoughts.

'I'm afraid of you leaving me,' he says, putting his thoughts out there for you to grasp and understand.

'Leaving you?' you smiled, shaking your head. It was a very reasonable fear, after all he does leave you on your own a lot of the times.

Nick nodded, licking his lips, 'My whole life, I've never had a constant. I mean the boys are all I have and the fans. But I've never had that one consistent person. To have you now and thinking about losing you I..' Nick falters, thought after thought going through his mind, 'I just can't afford it.'

'For as long as my heart beats, I'll always be yours,' you whisper as you caress his face lovingly.



'I love you,' Nick whispers, resting his forehead on yours.

Your breath hitched. This was the first time he's ever said the word. The first he's ever told you specifically that he loves you. Its only been five months since you started dating and to hear him say this came as a shock. But it was a nice shock.

'I love you too,' you whisper.


Ned is back das right. Also i was thinking that it was sorta boring to just have texts and not a picture so i've inserted like that banner thing..... oh and its edited to make it look like an oil painting because i mean.. they are all works of art

Anywho, I watched their wango tango performance and can we just appreciate hoW GOOD THEY ALL LOOK gosh dang it

i hope you have a good day!! if u want a personal drop me them deets

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