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'Oh my god, Nick!' you called out, when you saw Nick at the cereal aisle.

Nick turned around, ready to be greeted by a fan who wanted to get a picture or an autograph but was pleasantly surprised when he saw you.

'Oh my god, Y/N! Its been so long!' Nick calls out excitedly as he walks over giving you a hug.

You melted when he did that, Nick was still the same as he was years ago when you had known him. His smile still as charming and his personality still beyond incredible.

'Hey, why dont we catch up over a cup of coffee?' Nick offers, dying to reconnect with you again.

Truth be told, when you guys had broken up a few years ago, it took everything in Nick to move on. Seeing you here again today, made him realise that maybe its a sign.

You agreed and you both paid for your groceries before heading to a nearby cafe.


'How have you been?' Nick asks, as he takes a sip out of his cup of coffee.

You sighed, smiling bitterly, 'Well, I've been doing really well. Being an adult and all,'

Nick smiles, 'Thats good to hear, I'm really happy for you,' Nick pauses, 'I heard you got married?'

You felt your breath hitched, and you focused on the ground suddenly finding it more interesting instead of meeting Nick's eye. You hadn't invited him. Not just because your husband wasn't a fan of having him over but you knew that if he did come you'd feel half hearted about the marriage. For years you've tried to hide that longing feeling for Nick to come back.

'I uh,' you managed to mumble unsure of what to say.

'Hey, it doesn't matter I'm so happy you found someone to make you happier than I ever did,' Nick forces a smile, as he places his hand on yours.

You braved yourself to look at Nick, and you were speechless when you saw the tears in his eyes.

'Nick why are you,' you whisper as you tried to control yourself from crying.

'No no, its just. You, married, and me still hoping that we could work things out. I've never stopped loving you,' Nick voices out, as he tries to compose himself, 'But of course, its not meant to be. Maybe in another world we will see each other again and it'll be a clean slate for us to start over,' Nick smiles, as he bites on his lower lips trying to stop the tears from falling.

You felt guilty and could only afford to stare at Nick with a pitiful look on your face. Your heart ached knowing how he felt but you knew you can't do anything.

Nick checks his phone, before clearing his throat, 'Well I have to get home soon, the boys will be coming over and I'm going to at least make something edible,' Nick jokes as he got up.

You both gave each other a hug and you swore before he left you can hear him whisper,

'This is a closure for me. Thank you for everything I love you.'


Helloooo, I realised i havent introduced myself so my name is Ned!

Ned back at it again with the sad imagines. But thank you for reading and voting and whatever!!! I appreciate it 🐝💙

I swear I'll throw in a happy one also oops i did not post on a Monday :))

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