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This is for NessaBSB thank you for waiting :-)


The bell rang, jolting you out of your thoughts as you packed your bags ready to leave. Your eyes scanned the classroom, smilling at your classmates before you catch the eye of Kevin, smiling at your direction. You only gave him a small shy smile, feeling your cheeks burn up.

Why is he looking at me? You thought to yourself, but quickly dismissing the idea. Kevin Richardson was the IT guy. Popular, sporty and ridiculously hot. You on the other hand? Intelligent but quiet and overshadowed by the abundance of cheerleaders and pretty girls in school. Just as you were about to leave class, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

'Hey, its Nessa right?' Kevin says, as he stumbles over his words. Cmon, Kev. Get a grip of yourself. He silently thought to himself, regaining his composure.

'Uh... yeah,' you mumbled, to shy to say anything else. You could literally hear your heart racing and you hope Kevin didn't hear it because if he did, you were literally going to bury yourself alive.

'I was just wondering if you were free to tutor me? I mean, the chemistry test is coming up and I have a few concepts that I'm still not quite sure about,' Kevin asked, as he looks at you hopefully.

You were stunned, Kevin? Chemistry tuition? You? It was odd seeing as Kevin was actually pretty at Chem, getting A's all the time. Why did he need your help?

'I thought you were good at Chem?' You questioned, only realising that might have sounded a bit too harsh. Maybe even slightly a bit bitchy.

Kevin flustered as his eyes widened, he looked at the floor and scratched the back of his neck before turning to look at you, 'I'm just not very confident this time round,' he pauses, before he shoots you a cheeky smile, 'Besides, there's someone in class that keeps distracting me with how cute she is,'

You bit down on your tounge, you weren't sure if that was for you so you decided to hold back any form of comment, 'Alright, just send me your address, I'll come over at about 6,' you said as you walked away, your heart leaping with unexplainable joy.

Kevin did a little dance, happy that he had succeeded to hang out with you.


One study session became another and another. Soon, you guys were just hanging out almost twice every week. You hate to admit it but Kevin wasn't so bad to be around. He was funny, intelligent and he had this charisma about him that made you swoon. Today, just like any other day, you guys were in his room looking at the test results that you had recieved.

'I can't believe you did better than me,' you mumbled, pouting as you looked at his marks and compared it to yours.

Kevin chuckled, 'I had a good teacher,' he teased, sticking his tounge out, 'But you didn't do too bad. I'm proud of you and I think that's a pretty good grade,'

'Haha,' you sarcastically said, rolling your eyes at him. Kevin smiled at you and for a while the room was silent.

'Hey Nessa...' Kevin breaks the silence, you nodded, 'There's this football game this weekend and I was wondering if you want to come? I mean, you don't have to but it'd be nice to have you there,'

'I'll be there,' you nodded.


The game was intense, you could see Kevin getting pressured seeing how close the scores were. He badly wanted to win this and you badly wanted him to win too. The words he had said before he went for the game was still playing in your mind.

'If I win this game, I'll ask you my question.' He mentions, as he paces around the room, nervousness biting down on every inch of his body.

'Ask me what?" You questioned, taken aback by the random statement.

'That question I asked you when it was 3 in the morning but you weren't paying attention and I didn't want to repeat myself,' he pauses, as he glanced at you, 'I'll ask you the question again if I win this game,'

The next few minutes were a blur as you realised Kevin's team had won. Everybody leaped out of their seats, cheering and screaming for them. You looked at Kevin as you see him catching his breath. Beads of perspiration rolling down his forehead but he wipes them off as he smiles to you. Truthfully, Kevin was nervous but he wanted this and hence he's gonna do it.


At the after party, Kevin recieved pats after pats on his back. People were congratulating him non stop but he was so nervous his only response was just a nod. He hadn't seen you and he was getting more nervous as the minutes went by. But he finally saw you talking to Brian and he relaxed, as he approached both of you.

'Oh hey Kevin,' you smiled, greeting him with a hug. Brian and Kevin smiled before Brian left, giving you a wink and Kevin a cheeky smile. Kevin only shook his head, biting down on his lip before he focused his attention on you.

'I need to ask you that question,' he says, taking a deep breath, 'HEY EVERYBODY KEVIN HAS SOMETHING TO SAY,' Brian yells, making everybody turn their heads to focus on both of you.

Kevin made a mental note to punch Brian but for now, he needed to say it.

'Nessa,' he begins, taking your hands in his. Your breath hitched at the physical contact but you kept your composure, 'I like you and I didn't want to immediately tell you that I like you. I wanted you to get to know me first. Not as Kevin Richardson, the jock who's hot and popular but Kevin who finds great joy at watching puppy videos,' he could hear the giggles of a few girls but proceeded, 'I asked you to teach me chemistry on purpose because I wanted you to hang out with me and get to know me. I didn't need the tutoring,' he chuckles. 'And after 5 months of getting to know me, and I getting to know you, I realised I wanted to be your best friend forever and your boyfriend. I guess what I'm trying to say is...' he paused, 'Will you be mine?'

The group held their breaths as they waited for your answer, you only smiled before you tiptoed and gave him a kiss.

Who would have thought this all began because of stupid Chemistry.


Tadaaaa, this was so long but its so cute. I think jock Kevin is cute. I mean Kevin is cute.

School is killing me but thank god, I'm having a two week break next week so pray for me and my soul that I get this coming week over and done with.

If you guys have requests or want to contribute idea and write something together, we can do it. I think thats lovely. I hope you all have a good day or night and its been productive so far. Adios :~)

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